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Performance Management

Performance management is a continuous process of aligning strategic goals for the organization (Colella 2013). An employee who is not fairly treated based on his/her gender is an example of gender discrimination, and this often leads to lower performance strength. Gendered notions of commitment and pose challenge with ideal work notions by the employer. A motivated staff is central to the success of the organization, company, and organization can increase his/her strength. Gender discrimination and wage inequality reflect organizational commitment and its effectiveness in talent management (Dubbelt 2016). Managers should evaluate performance from agreed objectives from the prioritization of communication. The recruiting process and the relationship between employee and employer is subjected to subconscious bias (Castano 2019). An organization’ s need to know the basic capabilities of their workforce fosters an environment which gives a chance to develop new capabilities. The organization should ensure that women are trained at par with other employees. The career anchor construct reflects that individuals shape their careers on needs and values (HBR 2017). Using gender-neutral tools and developing an appraisal scale that measures employee on agreed criteria. Performance management is a vital tool in helping an employee grow and equips the employee with guideposts. The perception of gender also depends on the employer on succession, career planning as tools used while measuring employee performance.

It highlights the bias by the evaluator, these results are reflected in women's attrition rate and women promotion on a top leadership positions as a common issue (Pickert 2017). Stereotypes result in women receiving less challenging assignments that affect women's progression. Verniers (2018) in his study, found that stereotyping is enhanced in situations with low female participation. Lack of cultural fit between male and female values is one of the common issues confronted by women during the workplace and impacts performance management. It suggests the use of objective and identifiable criteria reduce gender bias. Managers' characterization of jobs as pro-male jobs is disadvantageous for women when they are used for promotional decisions. Organizations not open to feedback processes, lack of direct communication result as traditional feedback results negatively on performance evaluation. Providing task variety, autonomy, and career progression will at the as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for the employee.

The world Economic forum stated a 7.6% wage gap in the Gender Gap Index on the computation of age, tenure and education and work hours (Weforum 2019). Furthermore, gender discrimination within the organization results in unequal career opportunities where women are often subjected to motherhood myths and prejudices. Gender bias as a normative compromise with the perception of traditional values of management. Halo error shows rating employees based on a single factor and allowing personal feelings to impact performance. Sexual harassment and unequal pay are common gender issues in employee performance management. Discrimination in HR practices and enactment amplifying muscular domain and some other gender-based issues in the workplace. The low percentage of women in leadership roles are linked to male-dominated and female-dominated fields (Sharma 2016). The exchange of verbal and non-verbal discrimination reflects perceived biases. A positive environment outlook has lower gender discrimination. Ensuring a regular feedback process, and using performance timeline monitoring process. Procedural justice for assessing individual performance, and ensuring the validity of the process. Gender equality is linked with policies, decision making that affect training, pay, and promotion. Institutional discrimination against women is characterized by decision-making criteria.

Starmaski (2015) stated that women as caregivers face carer penalties on metrics for performance evaluation. The presence of gender job segregation at the entry-level position makes women unqualified for advancement. The presence of women in top leadership with less than 2% in the technological role can be an attributed diversity supportive environment (Mackey 2017). Ambivalent sexist reconciles hostility while women show of competence by reinforcing gender relations. Sexism harms women in the course of employment and leads to the stigmatization that worsens motivation and cognitive performance. The author Staes use behaviorally anchored rating scales that measure actual work behavior. The criteria of procedural justice violations coincide with women’s behavior. Caleo (2018) through an examination on workplace perception addressed that violation of interactional justice are counter normative for women gender stereotypes guide related to the behavior that is unacceptable for women

Performance review and gender discrimination are the results of unconscious bias with gender diversity not among the top priorities in the organization. The moderating role of gender is linked with a poor performance review. In his study, he has stated that subjective criteria in determining employee wages lead to gender discrimination. The wage rate is rooted in social identity theory where men tend to hold the more stereotypical idea of when as manager. Overrepresentation of women in jobs as a form of evaluation that Neo sexism and glass ceiling continues to exist. Dubblet (2015) highlighted the job demands and resources to understand the causes of gender discrimination with the workload and work-family conflict as bias against supervisor support and procedural fairness. It showed poor feedback and negative feedback impact women well being. David (2015) addressed gender discrimination with distributive justice is accepted as the fairness of the allocation of the outcome. Employees perceive higher distributive justice when the work is structure and equal pay is maintained in the organization. Gender stereotype has been seen as a result of social setting awareness, Castano (2019) highlight gender lawsuits with prominent decisions in Pricewaterhouse versus Hopkins as gender discrimination by an employer for refusing partnership and UAW versus Johnson controls declaring excluding of women as sex discrimination. The masculinity of gender stereotype for leadership role hinder women’s presence in managerial position as underrepresentation and unhealthy workplace. The lack of fit model act as discrimination criteria for the categorization of people and women attributes in the organization.

The research findings are important with gender discrimination gains women in position, wage pay, and sexism. The gender bias reflects the distributive justice as low for women in career progressions. Stereotyping and bias related to physical and personality attributes linked to supervisor bias, lack of social support, and stringent policy for performance appraisal impacting women career progression at the workplace

Reference for Gender Discrimination Issue

Colella, A., and Dipboye, L.R. 2013. Discrimination at Work. The Psychological and Organizational Bases. Taylor & Francis

Caleo, S. 2016. Are organizational justice rules gendered? Reactions to men’s and women’s justice violations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10), pp. 1422–1435. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000131

 Castaño AM., Fontnail, Y., and Garcia Izquierdo, AL. 2019. Why Can't I Become a Manager?"-A Systematic Review of Gender Stereotypes and Organizational Discrimination. 16(10), 14-39. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16101813 

David, S, Bakshi, Y., Mittal, P., And Fahad, M. (2015). A Study of gender perception regarding Performance Management Systems in the organizations. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(1), pp. 28-34

Dubbelt, L., Rispens, S. and Demerouti, E. (2016), "Gender discrimination and job characteristics", Career Development International, 21(3), pp. 230-245. https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-10-2015-0136

HBR. 2017. How Gender bias corrupts performance review, and what to do about it. [Online]. Available at https://hbr.org/2017/04/how-gender-bias-corrupts-performance-reviews-and-what-to-do-about-it. [Accessed on: September 15th, 2020].

Mackey, D.J., Roth, L.R., Iddekinge, V.C. 2017. A Meta-Analysis of Gender Proportionality Effects on Job Performance. Group and organization management. 2(3), pp. 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059601117730519

 Pickert, G., and Sterling, J. 2017. Gender Still Matters: Effects of Workplace Discrimination on Employment Schedules of Young Professionals. MDPI. 6(1), pp 1-22

Sharma, G. 2016. Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent business and management. 2(1), pp. 12-17. 10.1080/23311975.2016.1212682

Stamarski CS, Son Hing LS.2015. Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision-makers' sexism. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1), pp. 1-13. 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01400.10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01400

Verniers, C. 2018. Justifying gender discrimination in the workplace: The mediating role of motherhood myths. 13(7). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201150

Weforum. 2019. Gender Gap report. [Online]. Available at https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality. [Accessed on: September 15th, 2020].

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