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Data Modelling and Database Design

Introduction to File-Based Database Design Peer Assessment

Good database design plays a very important role in the proper database implementation and in the process of developing the software that will fulfill all the requirements of the client. A good database design helps in many ways and has many benefits such as easy access & retrieval of data or the avoidance of redundant information or the data from the database etc.

Review or The Critique on Peer’s Database Design

The Database Design:

The author of this particular database design has taken a good amount of effort in understanding the many of the requirements of the client, as mentioned in the case study for the library management system.

Strengths of the Database Design & implementation:

As per the personal knowledge acquired on the to the database design concepts from the various learning sources during the completion of the assignment, I have identified the following strengths and the weakness of the database design created & implemented by the author.

  • A good amount of understanding of the client's requirements, as mentioned in the given case study scenario of the Assessments.
  • Identification of the major database entities or the database objects along with their attributes and the fields for all the entities or the tables.
  • Identification of the keys of the tables.
  • Identification of the relationships that are existing between the various objects identified above.
  • Implementation of the operation on the database, such as altering the table, as well as the implementation of all major database access operations.

Weaknesses of the database design & implementation:

  • No proper normalizations were applied to the database schema& the tables, which has led to the insertion of redundant data in the tables. For example, there is a Book genre attribute in the table books, which leads to the storage of redundant information in the tables. This would have been avoided if proper normalizations had been done with the database schema, which would have allowed to form the separate tables for the different book genres or categories.
  • Improper naming conventions used for the database entities or the tables and the database attributes. E.g.: The one table is named 'Book table' or "Library members' etc.

Or the attribute for the primary key of the table is named as ‘ Code’ in the ‘Books table’ or named as ‘ID’ and ‘id’ in the ‘Library Members’ & the ‘Library Staff’ table.

  • Insertion of logically incorrect and inconsistent data in the tables. Eg: value C:1 for PK of the books table or the entry of Expiry date lesser than the registration date in the Members table etc.
  • Missing some important attributes in the tables. For example, missing as "Date of Book Issue" in the Transaction table.

The overall database design created by the author as part of the assessment can be improved further to meet all the client's requirements in I more efficient way, by considering all the above-mentioned weaknesses.

Suggested Readings for the improvement of the concepts:

Also, the author can use the below-mentioned website links/reading for improvement on the concepts of the database design.

  1. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/database-design-basics-eb2159cf-1e30-401a-8084-bd4f9c9ca1f5
  2. https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/normalization-steps-example/
  3. https://towardsdatascience.com/designing-a-relational-database-and-creating-an-entity-relationship-diagram-89c1c19320b2
  4. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-0-387-39940-9_644

References for File-Based Database Design Peer Assessment

“Writing an Article Critique | Ashford Writing Center.” Ashford.Edu, 2019, writingcenter.ashford.edu/writing-article-critique. Accessed 9 Oct. 2020.

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