Good database design plays a very important role in the proper database implementation and in the process of developing the software that will fulfill all the requirements of the client. A good database design helps in many ways and has many benefits such as easy access & retrieval of data or the avoidance of redundant information or the data from the database etc.
The Database Design:
The author of this particular database design has taken a good amount of effort in understanding the many of the requirements of the client, as mentioned in the case study for the library management system.
Strengths of the Database Design & implementation:
As per the personal knowledge acquired on the to the database design concepts from the various learning sources during the completion of the assignment, I have identified the following strengths and the weakness of the database design created & implemented by the author.
Weaknesses of the database design & implementation:
Or the attribute for the primary key of the table is named as ‘ Code’ in the ‘Books table’ or named as ‘ID’ and ‘id’ in the ‘Library Members’ & the ‘Library Staff’ table.
The overall database design created by the author as part of the assessment can be improved further to meet all the client's requirements in I more efficient way, by considering all the above-mentioned weaknesses.
Suggested Readings for the improvement of the concepts:
Also, the author can use the below-mentioned website links/reading for improvement on the concepts of the database design.
“Writing an Article Critique | Ashford Writing Center.” Ashford.Edu, 2019, Accessed 9 Oct. 2020.
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