It is essential to understand the impact of PMBOK and project management lifecycle as these areas hold importance in timely completion and delivering timely completion of the project.
project management lifecycle ensures project endeavor that has a definite start time and finishes time. Project lifecycle phases are project initiation, project planning, project execution, monitoring, and project closing. PMBOK act as a standard of terminology and guidance for project management. (Project Management Institute, 2017). The alignment of the project lifecycle and PMBOK in the project is essential to ensure the success of the project and the aligning of project goals with outlined objectives. In my opinion, it is necessary to understand the concepts and adapting them to positive results.
These are the major areas impacted by the lifecycle -
Alignment of lifecycle management and PMBOK in projects can be managed by the below methods-
Developing a project framework for communicating project status positioning of lifecycles, and creating a project plan for system development for a decision-making framework.
I would like to conclude that understanding of Project management concepts and life cycle management is essential for managing project management as its impact in the lifecycle and different phases of project life management is profound to manage agility and reliance.
Hamdan, Y. & Jaafar, K. (2014). Strategic alignment of projects: evaluation and selection process. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2014—EMEA, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Sixth Edition. Project Management Institute
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