Leading is a very tough job. Every leaders aim is to have a successful change. Leadership demands fluidity, which requires the willingness to recognize the need for change, and finally, the ability to lead change successful implementation of change, can create an extreme competitive advantage (Forbes, 2013). The leader should have also a long term vision to be achieved.
With this assessment, I learnt the following outcomes:
Applying strategies to effectively lead change and facilitate collaboration and the empowerment of others. To effectively apply strategies to lead change and leaders should understand that the people will be emotional due to change therefore the leaders should be prepared to help people in dealing with such matters. Leaders should also learn to communicate and collaborate. Leaders should communicate the ‘what’ andthe ‘why’ in order to become successful. Pioneers and leaders who explained the purpose behind the change and related it to the affiliation's characteristics or explained the focal points made more grounded buy in and urgency for the change (Beneker, 2019). Individuals are very much motivated to work if they can see that the organization is free to communicate and they can work together. Every employee will embrace change if they can share their ideas and thoughts to accomplish a new goal. This can be further explained with a few points (Saunders, 2020) -
Communicate properly: When there is a change in the system, no matter how small it is, always inform the person who does the operations affected by the change. In this way, you will gain people's trust, which is invaluable in bigger change projects. Communicate the change in the context of the company vision. Explain why things need to change, how the company is going to get there, and what is in it for the employees affected by the change. Present the vision properly so people will be properly guided on the change. Encourage open and honest dialogue about challenging status quo, to get people onboard the change project. Build trust with the employees by committing to share information, be part of informal discussions, and celebrate small wins together.
Analyze the relationship among leadership, power, ethics, values and different forms of accountability: Leadership has a relationship in power, ethics, values and different form of accountability (Centre for creative Leadership, 2018). Organization cannot move forwards without its leadership. In order to achieve the long-term vision of the organization the leaders should also consider their power, ethics, values and forms of accountability as well as leadership skills. Why values and ethics are included? It is a direct result of the very explanation that in the event that a pioneer has no good or moral qualities, at that point there is a propensity to disregard human part of the association. These three zones are basic segment of administration if initiative is to be effective. A pioneer should realize a fitting style to be applied when he/she oversees or drives individuals. The leader should also consider his accountability not only to the organization as well its investment but also he should consider the company responsibilities to its employees. In order to achieve that aspect the leader should have skills because if the leader has no skills, he/she is not able to execute his duties as a leader.
Leadership is a process of influencing others to reach their full potential and towards the achievement of a goal. A leader can use his power to exercise authority in the organization. Ethics and values define how a leader and his followers should act and respond. Leaders show accountability by taking responsibility for their actions.
Apply strategies for effective change management with individuals, teams and organizations (Day, 2014). This can be done by- Determining what needs to be improved. Identifying the resources and individuals that will facilitate the process and lead the endeavor, secondly, getting buy-in and approval from key stakeholders, following it plotting the change roadmap that shows the beginning, the route to be taken, and the destination. Then, clearly report on the progress and development of the changed project. Going forward, maintaining clear and open lines of communication throughout the whole change process. As effective communication helps and enables in the smooth process of moving forward with the project. With effective communication there is no room for misinterpretation of details and facts which will help the organization and company to conduct its operations in an efficient manner without any hindrances and lastly managing resistance and monitor risks, like the risk of impacting dependencies, return on investment risks, and budget risks.
Beneker, J., Plutarch. (2019). How to Be a Leader: An Ancient Guide to Wise Leadership. Germany: Princeton University Press.
Centre for creative Leadership. (2018). How to be a successful change leader. Retrieved from: https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/successful-change-leader/
Day, D. V. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations. Spain: Oxford University Press.
Forbes. (2013). What is leadership? Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/04/09/what-is-leadership/#3230655a5b90
Saunders, C. (2020). Leadership. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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