Eddie Mabo was born in the year 1936 and started his life with deprived and denied access to education, buses, cinemas, and toilet (Indigenous Australia, 2012). He became an activist working tirelessly for black rights and make sure that Aboriginal children had their schools. He challenged the ideological establishments of Australia and refused to surrender his interest and the domination of others. The Island known as Murray Island was annexed by the Queensland government and annexed the Indigenous people who continued to live in the settled communities (Parliament of Australia, 2002). Edie Mabo Dave Passi and James took action against the state on 20th May 1982 for claiming the native title (Parliament of Australia, 2002)
Milestone |
Details |
1981 |
James Cook University strategies for bringing change on land rights. Eddie Mabo spoke on land rights in a conference |
1982 |
Native rights tile claim was filed by Eddie and two others against the Queensland government |
1986 |
The high court finds the Queensland Coast Island Declaratory Act invalid and Mabo case proceeding continued (Parliament of Australia, 2002). |
1992, January |
Eddie Mabo died due to cancer |
1992, 3rd June |
Native tile continues in case of connection by traditional laws and custom and native tile is recognized as part of Australian Land law |
Eddie Mabo was a deeply intelligent and obstinate Meriam man. During the period 1960-70, Mabo use to work as a gardener at James Cook University, on witnessing his knowledge about the Aboriginal and Torres Island Trait people, he was engaged in the academics at the university (Indigenous Australia, 2012). Eddie Mabo of Mer Island in the Torres Strait has spent seeking official recognition of people ownership of Mer and in the year 1992, the high court agreed and rejected terra nullius that meant that land belonging to no one at the time of European Settlement (Indigenous Australia, 2012). He learned about land title rights and realized that the Mer was not recognized by Australian Law. He began his commitment to his homeland and began a battle in the series of court cases against the Queensland government. He has engaged actively in political activism and was passionate about land rights and ending discrimination against the Aboriginal and Torres Islander people. The case is known as Mabo case (Mabo vs Queensland (No.2) judgment of the High court inserted the doctrine of native title in Australian Law (Indigenous Australia, 2012). The high court recognized Indigenous people have lived in Australia for over a thousand years and enjoyed rights to their own land. The effect of this case was strong with reviewing of implications of Australia’ settlement status, recognizing the native title and source of rights in Indigenous laws and applying the principle of non-discrimination of property rights. Unfortunately on June 3rd five months after the death of Edie Mabo due to cancer the court upheld the claim of the native title
Another group researched on Charles Perkins. He was a civil right activist who actively who worked for rights of Aboriginal people. His one of the major achievement was appointment as secretary of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and chairman of Aboriginal Development and Hostels (National library of Australia, 2020). He was the first Aboriginal man who graduated from the University of Australia (National library of Australia, 2020). I had observed similarity between two Indigenous personalities is strong focus and inclination towards education and inclusivity and challenging the status quo. Charles focused on wide run movement whereas Eddie pursued native land rights for the Indigenous people. Charlie rode for the famous freedom bus ride for racial intolerance that was widespread, he created awareness through drive around rural and outback Australia. It was very common for shops to refuse food for Aboriginal people. The difference and similarities between them exist due to the experience in racial and social discrimination faced. The interest and actions taken by them are towards the common cause are different on the matrix of belief with Charles focused on education as a power for his voice and people will be able to address him. Meanwhile, Eddie grew with disparity and read and he educates himself with the history of the community who faced the consequence of no-man land. The day of revocation, 3rd June is celebrated as Mabo day celebrating his lifelong contribution. Eddie and Charles both were vocals on criticism against the government to reduce the barrier and discrimination against Aboriginal people. The teaching profession is a victim of silent apartheid with ethic profiling that had created discrimination against the community (Rose, 2012). The impact of colonialism, the white policy, and the land rights Act have a deep impact on the Indigenous people who have acquired knowledge and actively participated in the movement for rights for the community. Charles was an independent thinker who had supported people and also to Australian soccer. Mabo had an interest in the love for culture, land, and people that stemmed from the non-inclusion of Aboriginal People (Indigenous Australia, 2012). Charles had trouble in his council with outspokenness about the absence of Aboriginal people in decision making roles. Majorly Eddie was involved in Land Rights whereas Charles became an activist with part of the membership committee and vocal on his support for soccer and racial intolerance. Charles is remembered for the advancement of Aboriginal Affairs and bringing groundbreaking change in Federal Policy (National Museum Australia, 2020). The historical impact the actions of Charles and Eddie has shaped the history of Aboriginal people and their inclusion in the Australian community. The historic context of discrepancies in living, education led them to educate themselves and fight for the rights of the community. Eddie had difficult childhood with no access and worked as gardener primarily until he enrolled at James Cook University. The long struggle in abolishing of no-man land and Aboriginal people rights was shaped by the speeches and long-drawn movement against the Queensland government to restore rights. The similarity between the two Indigenous people are the key support for the Land Rights Act and Referendum and acting as a mentor to Aboriginal athlete.
Indigenous Australia. (2012). Eddie Mabo, the man behind Mabo Day .Retrieved from https://www.indigenous.gov.au/eddie-mabo-the-man-behind-mabo-day
National Museum Australia. (2020). Featured people- Charles Perkins. Retrieved from https://www.nma.gov.au/explore/features/indigenous-rights/people/charles-perkins
Parliament of Australia. (2002). Mabo 10 years on. Retrieved from https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/Publications_Archive/archive/mabo
National library of Australia. (2020). A reflection on Charles Perkins for the 10th UN celebration of Mandela Day. Retrieved from https://www.nla.gov.au/stories/blog/behind-the-scenes/2020/07/18/mandela-day-a-reflection-on-charles-perkins
Rose, M. (2012). Chapter 5.The silent Apartheid as practioner s blind spot. Cambridge University Press
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