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Get to Know A Little More About UTS: 92441 Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being

Get to Know A Little More About UTS: 92441 Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being

What’s the basic responsibility of a nurse? To improve the health of people, right? However, do you think considering only the clinical skills is enough?

Well, as a professional nurse you even have to consider the cultural aspect, in order to foster understanding about the Australian indigenous people. This is what 92441 deals with.

This is a 6 CREDIT POINT undergraduate course which helps students to comprehend the attitudes and beliefs of indigenous people and thereon deliver evidence-based nursing care in a culturally respectful manner.

So, Online Assignment Expert is a one-stop destination for students which provides expert academic guidance on Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being and make them efficient nurses.

How Our Mental Health UTS Experts Cater To 92441 Assessments?

Basically, this undergraduate course is all about exploring various perspectives of the indigenous Australian people and the Colonial effects that are affecting them. Moreover, our nursing assignment help experts also take this course to be a comprehension of the social as well as the cultural impacts of getting a bit closer to the indigenous health care system prevalent in Australia.

Thus, our Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being assignment experts guide students and make them efficient enough to foster humility in a safe and collaborative space.

To give you a brief idea about this exhaustive course, enclosed below is a 92441-assessment sample which our experts have recently completed for the reference purpose of students. Don’t worry, there is more to this. We have also tried to provide a basic outline of the way our experts approach these kinds of assignments. So, why not look at this before proceeding?

In this 92441 Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being assignment sample, our experts first researched “Closing the Gap” (CTG) policy and reflected upon the history and data which influenced the creation of CTG. Basically, they found out that it is a campaign for attaining indigenous health care equality.

It is a well evident fact that the health conditions of the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are significantly poorer as compared to the non-indigenous population in Australia. Thus, as an effective nurse, your role would do improve the health conditions of the Aboriginals, working within the CTG policy. Thereon, our nursing assignment help experts sketched various health outcomes as a result of the CTG policy. They also mentioned some challenges which might have initiated that change.

Based on the information given in the question file, our 92441 experts reflected upon the diabetic conditions of Judy and the way it had been addressed within the CTG policy. In addition to this, they also pointed out some of the long-term consequences to health and social determinants.

This was just a brief crux of this Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being assessment sample for you. For a more detailed and complete solution, you can easily get in touch with our nursing assignment help experts via our chat live option.

Modes of Assessments Under 92441 Course

Basically, there are some assessments which you would have to complete when you study this undergraduate course. Our steadfast crew of nursing assignment help experts are there to take care of the theoretical aspects for you while you can focus on the practical ones. Interestingly, the course is a blend of 2 theoretical assessments, which carry 50% weightage each. So, you can just have a gala time in your university, while enjoying whatever your professor teaches you!

So, we guide students in the following assessments.

Assessment task 1: To explore the impacts of various policies on the health of indigenous Australians

The intent of this assessment task is to explore how ‘closing the gap’ policy impacts the health of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. This is basically a 1500-worded essay, which we have already discussed in the above Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being assessment sample.

Assessment task 2: Guided Reflection

The intent of this assessment task is to enhance the capacity of students towards cultural awareness. This is a reflection, which is also a 1500-worded assignment.

9 Guiding Principles Which Underpin Well-Being

Basically, there are nine guiding principles which shape Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. These principles are:

  • Health as holistic
  • The right to self determination
  • The requirement for understanding culturally
  • How history affects trauma and loss
  • Recognising the human rights
  • How racism and stigma impacts
  • Recognising centrality of kinship
  • Recognising cultural diversity
  • Identifying the strengths of Aboriginals

Why Do Students turn to Our Assignment Experts?

Online Assignment Expert is an age-old firm which makes sure to put forth the best foot while our nursing assignment help experts guide students all around the globe. We not only providence guidance on various aspects of 92441 Contemporary Indigenous Health & Well-Being, but also provide sample solutions and other value-added benefits such as online exams/quizzes, partial payment facility and many more.

So, what are you waiting for? Join our hands and be the kind of nurse you have always aspired to become!



Meet Jeffery, an expert in reflective writing. With a passion for self-expression and introspection, Jeffery specializes in guiding individuals through the reflective writing process. Whether it's personal essays, journals, or academic reflections, Jefferyempowers writers to explore their thoughts and experiences with clarity and insight. Trust Jeffery to help you articulate your innermost thoughts effectively.

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