Identification of the strategic issues that have the potential to impact the organization is very important for every organization. This helps the organization identify on what factors organization need to pay attention and take important decisions and actions. The domain of the issues faced by the organization is really very broad, vague and dispersed. It is not easy for an organization to identify the threats and opportunities available in the market. The main objective of this report is to draw attention towards the three strategic issues faced by the Newmont gold corporation. I am Trevor rose, CEO of the company explains the issues which impacts the organization in coming next five or ten years in this report and also suggests the opportunities, threats and risks involved in mining industries. Further I suggested the qualities and skills of myself to suggest you that I am the best person as a CEO of this company for the next five years.
This report was developed to analyse the three strategic challenges that have the potential to considerably impact our business over the next five to ten years. These topics have been chosen because they have the ability to severely impact our organisation. I am Trevor Rose, the Chief Executive Officer of the company, and I am producing this briefing report to describe these three strategic challenges that our company, Newmont Gold Corp, will encounter within the next five to ten years.
As we know that, Newmont is the most successful and largest gold mining company in the world. In addition to copper, silver, zinc, and lead, Newmont also produces lead. Our business possesses a portfolio of prospects, talents, and assets that is on par with the best in the world. This assists the corporation in its efforts to get mining jurisdictions in North America, South America, Australia, and Africa. Newmont is the only gold miner that is included in the S&P 500 Index; the company is well-known for the social and governance activities it undertakes as well as the ethical environmental policies it follows. Our organisation is currently in the position of being a market leader in the development of values, and we have achieved this position as a result of stringent safety rules, good execution, and technical expertise. The company that would become known as Newmont was founded in 1921, and public trading of its shares did not begin until 1925. However, every business must deal with a variety of strategic challenges that have a direct bearing on the organization's goals and aims. It is vital to have a complete understanding of these difficulties in a timely manner in order for the firm to be able to take the appropriate actions at the appropriate times in order for the company's work to be carried out effectively. My primary focus in this analysis is on the three strategic concerns that are likely to have an effect on the organisation within the next five to ten years.
The first strategic concern that I want to highlight is the CLIMATE CHANGES - changes that have occurred in the climate. This matter has already been discussed at length within our organisation; but, within the next five to ten years, it will likely emerge as our company's most significant risk. As a result of the fact that I believe that shifts in the weather pose one of the greatest dangers to our gold mining business. While mining for gold, copper, silver, and other precious metals, it is essential for the corporation to investigate the changes in the environment and to take proactive and forceful measures to cut back on the emissions of greenhouse gases. It is necessary that the materials we create will contribute to the transition of the global economy toward one with lower levels of carbon emissions. The most recent findings on climate change were provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an organisation that was established to offer assessments on the changes in climate and the ramifications of such changes. In addition to this, it describes the possible dangers that may arise in the future as a result of changes in the climate and how these changes may affect the natural and human systems of the planet. Any business that is involved in mining should avoid the temptation to procrastinate in responding to the significant threat posed by shifting weather patterns.
It is our duty to collaborate with the government and the communities in order to make the economy a low-carbon economy and to ensure that our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to live in peace and prosperity in the future. It is of the utmost importance to take steps to minimise emissions of greenhouse gases and to move toward a low-carbon economy. This will be beneficial to our company because, if we produce the goods with clean energy transition, there will be a greater demand in the market for such goods; consequently, we will make more money. Even the government and local communities have shown their support for our business. Copper, silver, and zinc, all of which are produced by Newmont, are essential components of solar panels. In addition to this, copper is an essential component of electric vehicles as well as wind turbines. Newmont possesses a competitive advantage that enables us to contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy while still maintaining our financial stability. This advantage is the result of our strong position in the copper market as well as our continued production expansion. In addition to this, the transition is made easier by gold, as stated on the World Gold Council page titled "Gold's Role in a Low carbon Economy." As an industrial resource, gold has the potential to become an essential component of technologies that make the shift to a future with lower carbon emissions easier. To have this strategy of low carbon economy, the company needs to take steps to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by introducing the industry's first completely driverless transport fleet in Boddington, which helps in transforming the operations into the zero-emission mining system in the company. In my opinion, this is the best way to accomplish this goal.
After evaluating all of the resources and the situation, the low carbon climate strategy will result in a reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases in the environment of thirty percent by the year 2030. This will also result in the environment becoming carbon neutral by the year 2050. The company needs to implement this approach as soon as possible so that they may avoid any difficulties in the future and continue to operate effectively on a worldwide scale.
Social Responsibility is the second challenge that our firm will confront in the next five to ten years. It is essential to match the company's goals and ambitions with the interests of its stakeholders and other members of society if we hope to enjoy further success in the future. Our company is already taking into account this significant component, but in the near future it will be essential to take into account this factor in a more efficient manner. Over the course of the next five years, the significance of this element will grow. It is going to become impossible for workers to operate in mines that are so much deeper as a result of the significant changes that are going to occur in the climate as a direct result of an increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface. This makes this problem an extremely important one for the years to come.
It is the duty of the business to look out for the interests of its various stakeholders, which include its customers, employees, board of directors, suppliers, and so on, as well as the society as a whole. It is essential to collaborate with the community through making timely payments of royalties and taxes, investing in the market, and generating employment possibilities inside the community.
It is common knowledge that mining is an extremely hazardous line of work. In the past, people who worked in mines were subject to hazards such as the inhalation of coal dust, the loss of hearing due to the high noise levels, and hazards from chemical substances. However, the nature of mining has changed in recent decades, which has led to changes in the hazards that workers face while mining. As mining operations get deeper, there is an increased possibility of a collapse. An increase in the temperature of the surface causes unforeseen changes in the climate, which in turn causes earthquakes and landslides in deep mining. It is our responsibility to protect our employees from such risks so that they may carry out their jobs in an effective and productive manner.
The government has mandated that our company take immediate action to cut back on the emission of harmful gases, although this process will take some time. Up until that point, it is our organization's duty to take the necessary precautions to ensure that workers in deeper mines can do their jobs safely. It is our moral obligation to safeguard the basic civil liberties of the people who work for us and the areas they live in. Only if we are able to fulfil our obligations effectively will our staff be able to work for us in an effective manner.
Because the activities that are carried out in our company have the potential to have an impact on human rights, our company is required to make a commitment to both preventing and managing any negative impacts that may result from such activities. This will give employees the sense that their company will work for them, to secure them, and to protect their human rights. Through the creation of jobs, the development of programmes for economic development, the provision of adequate living conditions, and the development of infrastructure in society, it is essential to advance the cause of human rights, as well as to improve human dignity and living conditions in the society.
The company is obligated to develop efficient processes for the person in the event that he suffers an injury while mining or participating in any activity, such as making sure they have access to medical care and ensuring that they are able to participate in both judicial and non-judicial pursuits. Even if our company already has a grievance department, we are needed to make adjustments and bring the actions up to date in light of the regulations that will become necessary in the near future.
This assists the company in the creation of the values and in providing the workers with mining that is both sustainable and responsible. This demonstrates that the corporation respects human rights, which contributes to a growth in the company's goodwill and reputation in the market.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations as a leading organisation in our field is another way for us to have the best possible impact on the society or community in which we live. In addition to this, we can guarantee that the payments made to the government will be open and transparent, as well as that we will have a robust governance framework that will involve the participation of several stakeholders. This enhances the accountability of the company, which in turn leads to an increase in the trust that people have in the society, which in turn leads to the production of value and also helps reduce the amount of corruption that exists in the community.
The corporation will be able to satisfy all of its social responsibilities, which are connected to the community and its stakeholders, if it engages in activities of this kind. This will assist the company develop a brand value globally, which will help the company in the following five to ten years because if a company has a good market value, it is able to earn high profits and a positive brand image in the market. In addition to that, we made a contribution to society, which is an essential part of the responsibility that any business has. Because of the ways in which I can either directly or indirectly impact a company's operations, the subject of social responsibility is one that really should not be ignored by any business.
If Newmont gives adequate thought to this matter, it will be in a better position to take advantage of emerging openings in the industry over the next few years and to expand its operations on a global scale. Because of this, giving some thought to the concept of social responsibility is something that should be prioritised.
The third challenge company is going to face is Access To Resources . Companies are now turning to new technologies for resource extraction and processing as the world-class resources that were once found in certain regions become depleted and exhausted. The fact that businesses are adopting these innovative technologies will cause a rise in costs because most of those businesses rely on rented power solutions. Companies have recently begun to establish themselves in off-grid places in order to gain access to these limited resources. This results in a reduction in the lifecycle, and the corporation is unable to construct the power infrastructure on a permanent basis to continue providing service to the mine as a result.
Automation and digitization, made possible by recent technical advancements, contribute to more productive mining and speed up the process of completing targeted mining. However, mining is also impacted by technological discoveries in related fields. This has an effect on every aspect of the mining operation. However, in terms of business models and procedures, as well as potential social and environmental externalities, these new technologies will open up unexplored terrain for mining corporations. Mining firms will have new opportunities available to them as a result of these new technology. On the other hand, as a direct result of the implementation of these technologies, mining companies will have access to regions that have not been explored before. It is necessary for Newmont to direct its attention to this matter given that the company also works with the mining resources in question. It is necessary for the company to have a research and development team in order to address the issue of limited resources and the creation of new techniques for extracting these resources. As a result of this, the company is better able to understand the issue at hand, which is how new technologies will have a significant impact on the mining industry in the years to come; this is particularly important given the scarcity of resources and the necessity of mining at greater depths and in off-side areas as well.
This is another significant aspect that will have an impact on the functioning of the organisation in the next five to ten years. Because there is a limited supply of resources, it is possible that in the future our business may be necessary to additionally establish certain off-side areas. Therefore, it is vital for the organisation to conduct an assessment and analysis of the opportunities and risks that it will encounter in the future so that appropriate action can be done at the appropriate time. In my opinion, it is very vital to conduct study into how we can most successfully mine gold, copper, silver, and other resources by making use of the new technologies that have just become available.
Each and every company that is involved in the mining industry should give serious consideration to the three strategic challenges described above. As the Chief Executive Officer of the company, it is my responsibility to provide explanations and take into account these concerns in advance, in order for the Newmont Gold corporation to have a positive brand image on the global market and for us to be able to live up to our obligations to the community or society, the environment, and other important stakeholders.
Trevor Rose, CEO of the Newmont Gold Corporation. I am writing this leadership report to convince and explains you my leadership qualities and skills which suggest you that why I am suitable or best person to lead the organization as a CEO for the next five years.
Because I have more than ten years of expertise in the mechanical profession, I have built a successful career for myself. Throughout my career, I've held leadership roles in a variety of companies, including those in the mining industry. I have had positions as contract manager, maintenance manager, operational manager, and superintendent in maintenance during my career at a number of different firms. I have also had a number of positions of high management and leadership during my career. Due to my extensive expertise in all aspects of business and financial management, I am in a position to successfully finish even the most challenging large-scale projects. I am competent to assume full responsibility for tasks that involve the budget and the costing of materials. Because of my strong negotiating abilities, I am able to assist businesses in a variety of business domains, including the reduction of costs and the improvement of the quality of projects. This is all about my great intellectual, mental, and strategic skills and abilities.
In addition to that, I worked in the Newmont mining company as the Maintenance superintendent. My responsibilities there include guaranteeing the plant's safety, coordinating the operations at the Newmont site, and overseeing the operational performance of the mining sites. My attention is consistently directed toward my work, and I consistently offer my all to the company. There, my primary concentration is on enhancing the performance of the equipment and lowering costs across the entire fleet. I was responsible for ensuring that there is a good safety standard on the site and managing all other activities, such as the overhauling of machines and the acquisition of equipment, among other things.
I have created what is known as a PDP (Professional development Plan) for the organisation. I have a vision for our company, and that vision is that we will take our company to a position where it is able to make the future of the company sustainable and create value for all of the stakeholders of the company. We will do this by focusing on the important areas of leadership and talent, operational practises and the use of high-tech technology, having good relationships with stakeholders, and having good corporate governance. I have this vision because I have a vision for our company. I have a vision because I have a vision. Leadership and operational practises are the first two areas that are pertinent to professional bodies. This is because operational practises help in accepting automation and mechanisation, and technology will be featured by remote-controlled operations while mining. This technology requires mining professionals to translate the data into valuable information, which leads to cost effectiveness, gains in production, and aids in building a safe mining environment on the plant or site where mining is taking place. This contributes to the overall worth of the organisation in the eyes of all of its stakeholders as well as society.
Now, allow me to highlight some of my accomplishments while serving as superintendent at your organisation. I have spent 75% of my time on the site of the company as delegating my responsibilities as mining manager. The targets are improved by 15%. I always focused on the strategy of Zero harm strategy as my main focus is always the safety of the workers that are working on the mining site. I have also done some additional duties while operating activities on the site. I am the driving force behind continuous improvement activities, such as improving reliability programmes, root cause failure analyses, and the efficiency with which maintenance work is carried out. I am also focused on constructing, managing, and implementing the annual maintenance budgets or forecasts and expenditure. I also developed and steward the annual, equipment life, and mine maintenance budgets. I also fulfill the responsibility of establishing and maintaining a maintenance risk register and effectively manage the mark contract of the company.
These are all about my accomplishments and the additional responsibilities I have taken on while working for your organisation. I also detailed the goals I have for my tenure as CEO of your organisation. Taking into account all of my conceptual and intellectual abilities, I would like to suggest to you that I am completely capable of becoming the CEO of your company as I also performs various roles in different companies and have complete knowledge regarding the activities that are carried out in the mining industry as well as how to manage the contracts in the company. This is the conclusion I have reached after giving careful consideration to all of my capabilities. The accomplishments, responsibilities, and leadership skills that I have explained to you should hopefully help you make the best judgment regarding whether or not I am qualified to assume this position in your company.
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