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Learning Plan

Learning Objective - Engaging with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Description of the situation: Every Monday at the community centre, there are all sorts of fresh foods including fresh vegetables and fruits available that need to be segregated, prepared and sorted out at first before delivering them to the assigned places. This food needs to be delivered to the clients in the community who are in need and requirement of food .

Task: My assigned task was to deliver the foods to 10 clients in need of the food.

Action: The foods were required to be delivered at a certain time, within a specified timeframe. We were provided with a car by the community to help us deliver the foods successfully.

Result: I have successfully completed my task and I believe made a difference in my clients life by delivering them the foods they very much needed. I was able to do it it as a part of my responsibility as an efficient social worker wanting to make a positive impact on the community and bring about changes that support their development and emancipation.

Learning: It's never a disadvantage to be helping hand. It's never late to bring changes to the community. I felt really happy when I realised that I'm helping so many families in a short amount of time. It helped me value the importance of human relationships and also helped me demonstrate my interpersonal skills to engage with the community and help in building it.

Learning Objective -Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities. Intervention Is a Continuous, On-Going Component and Involves Dynamic Interaction with The Community

Description of the situation - The community is in need of financial assistance and help with money loans and internet vouchers as well. NILS application is a phone based application that helps families and individuals with low incomes to get interest free loans and financing. But, those who are in need of financial assistance like that also require help in terms of guidance and knowledge on how to use the application and avail the services.

Task- I was allotted the task and duty of assisting such people in the community in terms of helping them plan their budget and introduce them to the application and help and guide them in using the application effectively.

Action - I made a list of people that I had to assist in terms of helping them with their electricity bills, helping explain the NILS application to them, assisting them in planning their budget and in Internet vouchers as well. I also helped a few people apply for the loan and manage other finances as well.

Result - After successfully explaining the importance of NILS application, I helped a few families in need and helped them use the application in terms of loan applications, electricity bill payments and budget planning . Intervening with the families as an ongoing process for providing financial assistance and in carrying out basics such as bill payments and transfers helped make a difference in the clients lives and helped in their emancipation as well .

Learning - I was able to demonstrate my knowledge about evidence - informed interventions such as NILS and introduce it in the community and assist and help them with it and achieve the goals of the clients that is provision of financial assistance. I also learnt that interventions are an on-going continuous process which require effective communication, interpersonal skills as demonstrated by me.

Learning Objective - Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Description of the situation- Every Thursday , I work with the refugee women from different cultures and ethnicities . They come together to talk, meet and do some work - building baskets, knitting sweaters etc.
Task- My task was to engage with them and help them in their work .

Action -I worked with the women and helped them knit blankets for the refugee children and also played hangman with the the children . I interacted with the women and had a discussion with them about their aspirations and dreams after coming to Australia. I discussed their nostalgia and sadness around leaving their country and homeland and the vulnerability they must have felt in doing so . I also planned the discussion for my next meeting as well where I will relate my personal experience of being a refugee in Australia and utilizing the opportunities coming my way in terms of education and settling down in the Australian society. I will also enlighten the women about the rights they get from the Australian government and information about the support and housing that they can provide as well.

Result : I felt really happy and elated helping out the refugee women because I could relate and empathize with them and their feelings at a personal level because of my own personal experiences. Engaging with women from different ethnicities and cultures helped me understand how human experiences are shaped .

Learning - The experience helped me demonstrate empathy and kindness towards the women coming from an absolutely different background . It helped me understand and imbibe the fact as a social worker that because of differences , different people will have different life experiences that might involve marginalisation , oppression or vulnerability. It helped me demonstrate my ability to connect and relate with people to let them be able to share their experiences easily with me as a social worker and helped in the building of my social work acumen as well .

Learning Objective -Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behaviour

Description of the situation - Every Wednesday morning , we have a choir at the community centre where the people with disabilities come together.

Task - We were assigned the task of welcoming them to the centre with tea, coffee, fruits and barbecue for lunch. Also, we provide music to them to help them sing in the choir as well .

Action - I completed my delegated work of providing them with tea, biscuits coffee and their lunch as well. I also helped them organize their music for the choir and sang with them as well. I also interacted with them and has discussions around their experiences as people with disabilities and how it affected them as well without letting my personal experience of having a person with disabilities at home. This helped me identify and assess any issues that they might be suffering from at an individual level and at the community level as well, so they can be referred to any concerned place for referral in the community if they need one .

Result - I believe the successful completion of my task has helped me demonstrate my assessment skills along with communication, inter- personal and listening skills as well . I believe I have made a positive impact on the lives of the people with disabilities and helped them in living their life a little better without letting my personal experiences affect or influence my judgment and helped in community building as well.

Learning - I learnt that there needs to be a distinction and separation between the personal and professional values in order to be able to work efficiently. I also learnt to not let my personal experiences and associated reactions affect my professional judgement and behaviour as well.

Learning Objective- Assessment of The Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities

Description of the situation: Smart meal is a program run by the community centre. It entails within its ambit , the supply of cooked food for people who are homeless and those who are living in hotels .
Task: the task allotted to me involved the distribution of the cooked food to the homeless people in the community. A list was given to me for the distribution of food .

Action : I completed my task of food distribution and felt satisfied by doing so as a way of contributing to the community and helping build it as well.

Result : I believe, I made a difference in my clients life by delivering them the foods they very much needed. I was able to do it it as a part of my responsibility as an efficient social worker wanting to make a positive impact on the community and bring about changes that support their development and emancipation.

Learning : I learnt how to use my reflective skills in interacting with the homeless and as community organisers, also learnt how to collect, rally and mobilise the people in the community and resources towards helping and addressing the urgent needs of the community like in this case the homeless and the vulnerable.

Learning Objective- Assessment of The Individuals, Families, Groups and Communities

Description of the situation: The community centre has assessed the need and importance of connecting people with each other digitally. They have identified individuals and vulnerable people in the community without access for as basic a need as a SIM card and started the community digital inclusion program.

Task: My task in the program is to identify people and individuals in need of digital assistance in terms of basic SIM cards and register them and assist them in getting one .

Action : I took the action of identification and assisting the individuals in need of SIM cards . I registered them and helped them file for the template SIM cards as well so that they are able to become digitally connected and empowered in the future as well .

Result : The assistance and knowledge imparted to the community about SIM cards and its registration will help them become digitally empowered and make them feel more inclusive in the society. This needs based application of social work will help in the better assessment of the current and felt needs of the community as well.

Learning: I learnt the importance of effective social work and the importance of using my interactive processes of social work practice and apply this information and knowledge in needs-assessment as well.

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Management Assignment Help

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