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How Does the English Language Persuade a Reader or a Listener?

How does English Language Persuade a Reader or a Listener

Have you ever read a good book that made you believe in that story even when it was fictional? Sometimes when you read a great author’s book who has convincing writing skills, it makes you believe that whatever story you are reading is nothing but an actual incident. However, some fictional books are somehow based on true incidents that take place in real life. But as an English literature and language student currently on a hunt for essay writing help, you are somewhere deep inside looking for one such great writer who gives conventional power to your write-up so that you can secure excellent grades.

The Writing Struggles

Everyone who has great power of imagination and the ability to give words to the imagination can be a writer. However, writing is more than just giving words to the imagination and forming sentences. The true art of writing depends on how well you can convince a reader or a listener to believe the words you are writing or speaking. Indeed, there are several types of writing, and your writing skills can land in the set of any of those skills. However, when writing a particular blurb, your style should match the manner. For instance, if you are writing an academic essay, you must understand the context and form your writing similarly.

An essay is the author’s point of view on a particular subject, and even though there are several types of paper writing, from narrative to descriptive, it is always the writer's persuasive skills that make the blurb a great read. As an English language and literature student, you must have read thousands of great pieces, but have you ever considered improving your writing skills based on what you read and learnt?

8 Tips for Better Persuasive Writing

Indeed, writing is not easy, and you require the top-most level of writing skills to ensure that your readers and listeners agree with your points. Because in a world where everyone is writing, only those words that leave an impact are remembered. So, if you are also wondering and wishing that your writing becomes persuasive and people agree with whatever you write, then your writing surely needs conventional skills.

Everyday Examples of Persuasive Writing

You are currently confused and worried about your academic essay writing because your hopes of securing excellent grades depend on the same. Therefore, you are looking for assignment help so that your writing can be exceptional and written as per the writing requirements. In your hassle of writing a great persuasive essay, you completely neglected that such examples surround you in your everyday life.

Do you see advertisements? Have you ever noticed that an advertisement has impacted you so that even if you didn’t need a particular product or service, you still ended up getting it? This is the power of persuasion you ignore in your everyday life, yet it is still there. Understand it through one modern-day example. You use social media, don’t you? There are several social media influencers, whether you take food bloggers, fashion bloggers, gamers, or anyone else. Their power of creativity is so immense that you’ll see yourself pulled towards their page every other day to see if there is any new thing you can try. That is also a great example of persuasive power through creativity.

Moreover, apart from advertisements and social media, there are a few more great examples of persuasive writing and text, and they are as follows:

  • Newspaper Columns: You must have read a newspaper article in your life. Have you ever tried to give importance to how a particular journalist has written a piece article? Even though the writers have to be neutral, there is still some sense of persuasive power in their writing that helps you build an assumption of exactly what they intend you to have.
  • Reviews: Next in the line is reviews. Before trying something new, whether a restaurant or a movie, people intend to read reviews to have a rough idea about their experience. Review is also a great example of persuasive writing. Imagine it, based on your writing; people are planning their further activity.
  • Speech: Have you ever heard about motivational speakers? You might have even watched a few videos yourself. Although have you ever tried to think what is the charm behind their speaking that you feel motivated every time you hear something like that? It is indeed the conventional power; how a person speaks impacts you to do something inspirational. This is the power of persuasion.

As you have seen, the persuasion power in different formats is one of the most impactful and used forms of persuasion writing style in essay writing. As we have mentioned, one of the greatest forms of essay writing is the persuasive writing style. There is no doubt because it is so. Because if you understand the meaning of an essay, you’ll know that it is a particular point of view of the writer, where they have to imply that if a particular point is correct, why is it so?

The Academic Tension

As an undergraduate English literature student, all you are focused on and worried about is getting your academic projects done and delivered at the earliest so you can secure quality grades. In the tension of submitting your academic work within the deadline, you are so indulged in your hunt for essay writing help that you forget the “why?” of your studies. Indeed, being an undergraduate student, your life isn’t easy. You are way busier than ever imagined because a new task is always on the priority list. As you have to tackle all the tasks at the same time, unwillingly, you end up ignoring your academic projects. This becomes the reason why you look for external support. However, if you keep the tension out of your mind, you’ll realise the main motive of your studies is to grab an education and whatever you learn in your graduation days will remain with you for the rest of your life.

So, if you have a question in front of you asking how the English language persuades a reader or a listener, then the trick for doing that is mentioned below.

The Trick of Persuasion

Writing as a whole isn’t easy; you must keep a few essential things in mind. However, talking specifically about persuasive writing, the pressure is immeasurable. It is because writing is an art, and the art form of making people agree with whatever you write is certainly the most difficult thing. However, if you are willing to learn that trick, below are the tips to help you.


You must have heard once in your life that if you tell a lie a thousand times, it seems true. This is what it is with persuasive writing. Suppose you are stating a fact that you need clarification on. Your emphasis on a particular point and repeating the same thing in every other paragraph will make it convincing and appear true. As we stated earlier, the audience remembers only those words that leave an impact. So, suppose you are using a set of repetitive sentences to support a statement in your essay. In that case, it will make the reader remember the importance of the information and easily understand why you have used those words. It is an excellent manner when it comes to persuading your audience, whether reader or listener.

Emotive Appeals

The following best manner to use in your persuasive essay is emotive language. Connect with your audience emotionally and click on the points that make your words remember and impactful. Engaging with your audience’s feelings helps you in convincing them with ease. Once your reader or listener emotionally connects with your message, they are more likely to agree with your words. Although, just like every other thing, this type of writing style also has disadvantages. Because showing too much emotion to connect with your audience can make them feel sympathetic, angry, guilty, or excited, which is neither good nor bad. So, when using emotive language to persuade your audience, use the words wisely.

Anecdotal Evidence

Another manner of persuasive writing is anecdotal. Starting with a short story or a real-life event will trigger the imagination power of your audience. As they start imagining what you have written and finding a connection with the real-life incident, it leaves a clear image on the reader. The main motive of any writing is to keep the audience interested and engaged. When you use a story to justify your fact, it makes your write-up credible. And one of the features of a great persuasive essay is talking about facts. Also, this will help you convey your message easily, especially if you are working on a complex topic.

Moreover, as these three were the highlighted manner to make your write-ups persuasive, there are a few more tactics you can use. They are mentioned below:

  • Facts and statistical evidence
  • Generalisation
  • Comparison
  • Puns and Cliche
  • Jargons
  • Bia

And the list goes on.

Summing it Up

The primary purpose of your writing is to leave a remarkable impression on your audience, along with ensuring that your readers agree with you whatever you are writing. If that is the course, you must practise persuasive writing to become a better writer. Moreover, for now, if you are struggling to write such impactful and remarkable essays, you can take essay writing help from Online Assignment Expert experts, as our experts are always there to guide you and teach you the best manner of writing. You can trust our services because we are intended to share what is valuable via reliable sources at affordable rates with 24/7 availability.



Meet Jeffery, an expert in reflective writing. With a passion for self-expression and introspection, Jeffery specializes in guiding individuals through the reflective writing process. Whether it's personal essays, journals, or academic reflections, Jefferyempowers writers to explore their thoughts and experiences with clarity and insight. Trust Jeffery to help you articulate your innermost thoughts effectively.

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