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How to Write an Argument Analysis Essay?

Eight steps to write an argument analysis essay

How to Write an Argument Analysis Essay?

Those willing to beat the assignment pressure in college indeed have encountered many essays and plan to complete their assignments on time. Although, it is more complicated, but seeking essay assignment help can solve most of your problems.

Now, when we talk about assignments, essays, or any college project, every single one has its own criteria to write and structure.

It's critical to acknowledge that the speaker or writer is attempting to persuade an audience at the commencement of an argument analysis. Finding the conclusion—the general stance that the speaker or writer is supporting—thus becomes one task. Here, the term "conclusion" does not refer to the closing or concluding paragraph of the paper or speech. Instead, it describes the conclusion of a line of reasoning. So what really is an argument analysis in an essay? Let's find out what experts say about it!

Another effort is to identify the premises of the argument—the propositions made by the speaker or author to support the line of reasoning leading to the conclusion. You highlight the argument's logical structure by completing these objectives.

Making a "map" or diagram of an argument's logical structure is one specific method for expressing its logic. Identifying if the idea is deductive or inductive is another helpful step (or a mix of both), says the assignment help experts.

What is an argument analysis?

The focus of an analysis of an argument is on what makes it "work." What constitutes a sound, trustworthy, and persuasive argument in the eyes of the target audience? The effectiveness of an argument is influenced by several different aspects, which is the response to this.

Consider the manner in which the argument is tailored for certain listeners or readers, for a specific purpose, and in a particular context. This is one component highlighted by the phrase "acceptable to its audience." Consider the degree to which the argument adheres to the rules of logic and avoids errors in its reasoning, as implied by the phrase "valid and sound."

The first aspect, as per the essay assignment help mentor, is the essay puts emphasis on audience, goal, and context, which may be referred to as rhetorical. The second aspect, which places emphasis on reasoning, may be referred to as logical. However, logos have long been viewed as a component of rhetoric, so be reassured if the two are combined.

Such essays are written to analyse and review material found in another source, and they frequently spot bias or logical errors that are present in a particular argument. These essays are commonly used to analyse and critique the claims presented in a movie, book, or other text.

What type of writing is used for argument analysis?

We frequently look for ways to react to what we have seen or heard, and writing a critique is one such response, suggesting the essay assignment help mentors. Criticism is a systematic analysis and evaluation of a written or spoken word. We could examine the reasoning of a speaker or writer, and we might seek to determine and evaluate his rhetorical or persuasion tactics. We can either or both with the help of a critique. Therefore, considering the Argument Analysis as a critique is one way to approach it. The language and logic of a speech or a piece of writing will be methodically examined and evaluated for your Argument Analysis essay.

Tips for writing an argument analysis in an essay

Step 1

Find the argument's thesis for the analysis. It is frequently stated in a single, concise line near the article's opening, essay, or presentation by the author or presenter.

Step 2

Make a list of all the justifications and supporting evidence for the thesis, leaving room for annotations.

Step 3

Examine the argument's facts, logic, and any other supporting evidence. Watch out for red herrings, rash generalisations, and emotional statements, which a sound idea must eliminate. Additionally, search for outdated or contextually inappropriate data and inaccurate or missing information. While working, take notes.

Step 4

For an argument analysis, you need to look out for the quotes if they are required to be cited. Sometimes researchers who need more evidence might lose the authenticity of their work. Therefore, it is essential to add examples, samples and methodology for the essay. Moreover, make sure every piece of information you add must come from a credible source. Need help figuring out how to do it well? Just ask the essay assignment help experts for all the

Step 5

Open your analysis with a paragraph that ends with your own thesis, either agreeing or disagreeing with the other person's thesis.

Step 4

Check out any study that the author mentions that seems shady. Researchers occasionally carry out brief investigations or experiments with sufficient sample sizes. Sometimes the strategy could be better, or incorrect questions are posed. Furthermore, the references must come from trustworthy sources, such as books written by reputable academics or industry experts. Take notes as you work.

Step 5

According to the assignment help experts, you should always begin your analysis by concluding the paragraph with your own thesis, which you might use to support or refute the other person's thesis.

Step 6

Discuss each argument's point in detail. While doing so, adhere to the speaker's or author's presentational order. Instead, you may group together relevant ideas. Make a case for some topics while highlighting the shortcomings of others. Keep your most convincing and essential justification for last.

Step 7

Include specific evidence to back up your analysis. Cite reputable, up-to-date sources.

Step 8

Finish the analysis by focusing on your strongest argument or by briefly addressing the topic concerning your thesis.

Compelling argument analysis essay format and structure

To help you get started writing your own argument analysis essay, below are some sample outline forms.

An argument analysis essay should have an introduction, three body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a reference page. Below are explanations and examples for each component.


An outline of the topics that will be covered in the following sections of the essay should be included here. This section usually has just one paragraph to give a quick outline of how the body paragraphs will transition into one another.

The tone and overall direction of what follows can be established with a strong opening for an argument analysis essay.


This section follows the introduction and is where the entire primary text's argument is thoroughly explored. This usually includes a discussion summary, a glossary of essential terms, and any assertions made in support or opposition to specific ideas. The essay will then typically move on to analysing these statements to decide whether they are true.

A great introduction will also give readers enough background information on the subject at hand so they will be clear when they come across strange terminology or references to historic personalities.


The points made in the body paragraphs are all summarised in the conclusion section. If you do this, readers will have an easier understanding of what was said in each body paragraph. This is also the time to offer any concluding remarks that might be relevant to alternative readings of the arguments made in the main text or if any critiques still need to be discussed. Remember that this section should only cover relevant supplementary information and critical analysis.

The conclusion ties together all points made in its body paragraphs by restating essential ideas or facts from this section or summarising whatever significant issues may have been left unclear in other parts of the paper.

Citation/reference page

Use citations to show where you found your material throughout your analysis essay, especially when referencing outside sources.

Tips for coming up with a winning argument analysis essay include the following:

Before you read other people's arguments, form your own viewpoint on the subject of your debate. Then, you should formulate your own objections to or refutations of other people's opinions.

  • To better understand any argument or claim made in a particular passage, pay close attention to what is stated and how it is said as you read an essay.
  • If there is more information than can be contained in just two paragraphs, you should organise it using a spider diagram.
  • When you read, try to be as critical as possible, and don't just focus on highlighting the passages or texts you agree with. To actively refute someone's assertion, if necessary, you should always try to address both what is right and what could be wrong with any argument.
  • When writing an argument analysis essay, it's critical to occasionally look between the lines rather than rely just on the information provided by others. This entails comprehending the statements' intended deeper interpretation and their literal meaning. See if you can learn more about the author by examining their word choice, tone, writing style, and overall organisation.
  • Your argument analysis essay should incorporate as many primary sources as possible because they are frequently more reliable than secondary sources. However, if secondary sources allow you to construct your own thesis and justifications in each sentence in a way that would not have been possible if you only relied on primary sources for the material, then you should still use them effectively.

Want assistance with your argument analysis essay? See how well you can perform on projects using our essay assignment help offered by Online Assignment Expert.



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