In several colleges, schools, and universities, different courses and programs are offered to students and compulsory to join these programs. One of them is yoga. Yoga holds an important place and has marked it reaches all over the world in the last few years. It has been seen that Yoga is quite beneficial for people all over the world. Doing yoga gives a smooth mind and a relaxed body. Also, it improves the concentration power of a student. Moreover, yoga plays an important role in a student's life and in performing tasks like management assignments, nursing case studies, business law term paper, mental health care assignments, etc.
Yoga and meditation are the best ways to add positiveness to your daily life and doing it regularly make huge impacts on student's life which can be directly or indirectly helpful in writing their mental health care assignments. There are over 100 yoga postures that can be used as a tool to stay healthy. However, the positiveness that yoga can bring is listed below:
De-stress students
Students have to undergo a lot of tasks during their academic studies. Dealing with such tasks is not easy and might create different challenges such as financial pressure, academic stress, or others. In such a situation, students can do yoga which can be one of the best ways to overcome physical and mental pressure. Yoga is a medium to keep people free from depression and maintain a healthy life. Also, the American Osteopathic Association says that doing regular yoga can benefit from both mental and physical health.
Health benefits
According to Medical News Today's article, the percentage of people practising yoga has increased from 3.1% to 8.4% in children and 9.5% to 14.3% in adults in the United States of America from 2012 to 2017. As per the National Health Interview Survey, people practice yoga because it also benefits their health. We have listed a few potential benefits that a student can have –
Brings sharpness and concentration
Yoga is useful not only in abolishing mental and physical stress but also helps in developing concentration power and adds sharpness to the brain. It helps you to relax your mind and gives more peace. You can do Tree Pose yoga posture in which you have to stand in your one leg. This posture brings concentration and attention.
To perform your daily activities including academic tasks require a lot of strength, especially the young people or students must develop core strength because they overloaded with numerous tasks. Therefore, we have bought some helpful yoga postures that will surely help you in building strength and power.
Weight management and Flexibility
With high consumptions of food and drinks, students might face problems like obesity and uneasiness in breathing. Such students can get to bring yoga practices in the habit of daily activities to get rid of such problems. Also, doing yoga regularly brings flexibility and helps in weight management.
Development of educational Brain
As we know that scoring high grades in nursing and mental health requires strong muscles, stamina, and creativity, and uniqueness. Over the internet, you can find various clubs and institutions educating society and students on the spiritual dimension and its effect on their lives.
Boosts your memory and power
Yoga postures like Lotus Pose are helpful for students and other people as well to boost their energy and memory power. It increases the level of blood supply to the brain and sharpens memory skills. Therefore, yoga can be the best and powerful way for university students to stay fit.
These were the few highlighted benefits of practising yoga regularly. Likewise, there are few other benefits as well such as improving respiration, vitality, & energy, improves athletic performance, helps to uphold a balanced metabolism, etc. Also, yoga has proved itself in the field of plummeting mental health disorders. Therefore, it is time for students to improve their mental health in the lockdown because of the Coronavirus epidemic.
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