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Ten Steps To Achieve Higher Grades In University Assignments

Ten Steps To Achieve Higher Grades In University Assignments

Ten Steps To Achieve Higher Grades In University Assignments

If you're planning to take write assignments on your own then the guide illustrated below by university assignment help will help you score better grades. Here are some suggested steps to help you the best piece of assignment.

  • Avoid poor referencing - Many papers do not follow referencing guidelines. If an assignment specifies the usage of the Harvard Referencing Style, for example, you should follow it. Check if you are unfamiliar with the style. It's one thing to get the referencing style correct. But determining what to reference is a matter.
    • Referencing is used to guarantee that your readers know what you're saying and that your judgment is accurate. This implies that a reference must be both precise and particular. Citing a book, for example, is insufficient since it implies that your reader must read the full book...! Similarly, referring to a web source by the company rather than supplying the URL is insufficient since you would expect your reader to check every web page to confirm your data.
  • Using trustworthy sources - When it regards to referencing, you must be certain that you are citing trustworthy sources. Blog postings and other internet data are often considered untrustworthy. That's because the vast majority of what's posted online hasn't been subjected to any type of fact-checking or site-verification.
    • Even the best publications like magazines and newspapers may not be trustworthy; they are often published on short deadlines, so fact checking is limited. Statistical websites like "Statista" are helpful, but they are not original sources; they are secondary research, therefore even if what they say is correct, it should be double-checked — preferably with the primary source.
    • Peer-reviewed papers are the greatest and most dependable sources of knowledge. A panel of assessors, specialists in the subject, has reviewed and evaluated the material and information in such publications. That does not, however, imply that what the magazine publishes is accurate. You should compare the data to other peer-reviewed sources. 
    • Whenever you come across facts and information, you should consider how trustworthy the source is. You may always look for proof in academic, peer-reviewed papers to back up the blog or newspaper you read. 
  • Avoid over use of quotations - Quotations may be really helpful. However, this is not always the case. With quotes, there are two difficulties. To begin with, they aren't your own phrases. As a consequence, a quotation just demonstrates that you can paraphrase someone else's remarks.
    • Using a quote does not demonstrate that you are familiar with the subject. Using your own words, on the other hand, would display comprehension. And demonstrating that you grasp a topic earns you greater scores. Is copy pasting a quote from a webpage a degree-level skill?
    • The second problem with quotes is that they waste space. Quotations are counted as part of your assignment's word count. As a result, if you employ quotations, you are reducing the amount of space available to make your case and thereby losing marks. In general, citations should be used sparingly, if at all.
  • Generalising - Making broad remarks is beneficial since it demonstrates that you have figured out a common idea, for example. However, the manner you present broad points might influence your grade.
    • Making a broad statement that many others could express without ever completing your course, for example, is unlikely to earn you excellent grades. The points you need to get good grades are those that can only be derived through extent academic research for the subject in question.
    • Ask oneself, "Did I have to master this subject to make that claim?" while writing a generalised statement in your essay. If your response is no, don't bring it up since you'll be hurting your chances of getting good grades. Another challenge with generalising points is determining how to do so.
    • Starting with details is the best approach to achieve this and get good grades. Provide specifics, backed up by facts, and then make a broad conclusion from them.
  • Speculation and hypothesis - While making predictions is legitimate, the predictions must be supported by evidence. Otherwise, it's just speculation. When you offer a hypothetical statement, your readers will inquire, "Who says so?" and your paper will not receive higher grades.
    • Speculative remarks, speculation, and assumptions only serve to undermine an argument. Note that a strong and persuasive argument will earn you more points. When you utilise guesswork or supposition and keep your reader questioning whether your thoughts are legitimate, it undermines your argument and makes it more likely that you will receive worse grades.
    • Remove any aspects of supposition or assumption from your assignment and replace them with evidence-based projections.
  • Include enough examples - Your reader will fully get your message if you provide specific and precise examples. Similarly, it is frequently easier to describe something by an example rather than attempting to deal with it theoretically. However, examples must be concrete and realistic.
    • Detailed examples usually get better grades than basic examples. Of fact, it may not be feasible to conceive of a thorough and precise example during a test, but examiners are aware of this and are generally more ready to accept generalised and non-specific situations.
    • However, there is no justification for assignments because instances are readily available. You must include specific details when talking about an instance. Your reader might not be familiar with the example you're using. As a result, people won't grasp what you're saying because it's out of perspective. Detail is needed to make the instance function.
  • Make particular points - Many scholars writing their assignment on their own try to cram several points into their writings which lead to lack of information, instances, and generalised and speculative opinions. Including such information takes up space and brings the word count dangerously near to the limit. As a result, scholars skip all that extra knowledge in order to pack in all of their points. There is a way to solve this problem: create fewer points.
    • High-scoring assignments usually feature only a few major arguments that are supported by extensive research and material, as well as good illustrations. Students who try to jam too many topics into their papers lose points since their writings do not address the question. Hence, the assignment help experts suggest to make a list of certain points for their assignment paper and follow it while writing.
  • Focus on the actual question - The mentors seem to like reminding students answering the questions of the paper to score better grades. Being a student, you must concentrate on the specific question, especially the action phrases like "explain," "discuss," or "to what degree." These are the things you must do; if you do not "do" them, your chances of getting good grades may be reduce and to improve them you might need university assignment help.
  • Extent research - This is connected to concentration, but students frequently uncover something new while studying and writing. As a result, they find a method to include it into the assignment. This may be performed to impress the professor with the scope of the study completed. It's also possible that it's performed because the learners are overly enthusiastic. Whatever the cause, it doesn't help you get better grades.
    • If your project includes anything that isn't directly relevant to the question, you're increasing your chances of receiving worse grades than you desire.
  • Pay adequate attention to details - Finally, there is a lack of focus on the information provided. Essays containing spelling mistakes indicate that they haven't been proofread. Even if English isn't your first language, word processing tool can double-check spelling and flag issues in another language. Other cues to the readers that the paper has not been examined are also there.

Following the above discussed steps will surely help you composing an errorless and up to the mark assignment. If you need expert’s help then connect to us and we will provide the best university assignment help. With the help of this service, you will get every type of academic assistance such as online tutoring, sessions to enhance academic writing skills, clearing doubt sessions, etc.



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