A social problem refers to the conduct that has undesirable outcomes for a large number of individuals and that is usually accepted as a circumstance that must be spoken (Meisel and Virnoche 2018). There is no doubt to say that joblessness is essentially a communal problem as it brings about expenses for the jobless as well as society as a whole (Akanle and Omotayo 2020). The sociological imagination is the outline to comprehend the social world that far exceeds any shared belief derived from restricted social experiences. Further, this concept is linking individual challenges and superior social issues together (Brinks 2019).Social construction refers to the theory that can better study social problems like unemployment. It suggests that the extent to which a social problem is supposed as challenging, as well as the kind of difficulty it is assumed to be, is a function of the social interface (Matthews, Dwyer and Snoek 2017). This essay discusses how the theory of social construction and sociological imagination helps comprehend joblessness as a communal problem in the Australian context.
The contentment of being employed gives an intellect of determination, a role, and offers people an agenda and mental health benefits. Indeed, one's mental and physical health is mainly enhanced through work; he can improve rapidly from sickness and is a little threat of long-run disease and ineffectiveness. These are the basic beneficial factors of employment assisting people and for other members of society (Modini et al. 2016). Despite its benefits, there are around 5.6% Australians who are unemployed and therefore it can be considered as a social problem in Australian society (Carvalho 2015). Furthermore, the ideas of social imagination and social construction can be better applied and analytically observed to regulate why these Australians are employed. The issue of unemployment is associated with numerous undesirable and socially created pigeon holes (Nissen 2015).
Social imagination indicates the sociological theory that evaluates the situations that shape an individual's life in a more concerned perspective. The larger social issues refer to those that are beyond the personal control of an individual and the range of one’s inner life. Additionally, the sociological imagination is the capability to observe things socially and how they interrelate and impact each other. An individual has to pull away from the situation and think from an alternative point of view to have a sociological imagination (Denzin 2014).The usage of social imagination enables the individuals to look at this social problem prevailing in Australian society from a different viewpoint to comprehend and discharge the likely external factors that could lead to unemployment (Gale 2015).
Furthermore, the theory of social construction suggests how individuals agree to comprehend their reality with the change in time. It further evaluates how society alters its standards, guidelines as an adaption to time, altering the views on gender roles, equality, and unemployment. It is a theory of sociology that evaluates the development of a jointly constructed understanding of the globe. It can be used to understand the reality of the nation in respect of unemployment conditions since it deals with concepts like externalization (society is a human product); objectivism (society is an objective reality); and internalization (man is a social product). Both the theories “social construction” and “sociological imagination” are suitable to understand joblessness as a communal problem in Australian society (Galbin 2014).
In Australia, joblessness can be assumed as a communal problem as there are numerous of people who are unemployed in the nation due to their lethargic nature and lack of responsibility. Instead of being accountable to earn their living, they depend upon the welfare system to assist themselves (Knabe, Schöb and Weimann 2016). The total numbers of unemployed people currently are 927600 individuals as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The reasons behind this issue of unemployment are that young individuals often have little experience in the labor market and also lacking suitable skills. Furthermore, the organizations face greater costs of investment and lesser costs of dissolution when engaging youngsters (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020). Due to these facts, the younger population in Australia moves between unemployment, training and employed, and is more probable to enter provisional and doubtful employment. This social problem is linked with numerous undesirable social constructive type casts that deter individuals from receiving future engagement (Krug, Drasch, and Jungbauer-Gans 2019).
There is no doubt to say that social imagination theory assists in distinguish between public issues and troubles. This theory can link one's personal lives and experiences with his social world (Cullen 2017). As far as the problem of unemployment is concerned, it is initially a person's trouble when he gets unemployed. However, resolving his problem of unemployment entails assessing his present situation, reevaluating his competencies, seeing his job prospects, and acquiescing his applications to organizations. This is one thing that gets resolved when he gets a job. But what happens in case nations experience high levels of unemployment? This does not just affect one person but the millions of individuals residing in the nation. Therefore, personal trouble gets converted to become a public issue and hence a social problem. The problem of unemployment occurs at the societal level and hence can be better understood using the theories of sociology. It is true that in the procedure of globalization, with the removal of trade barriers, the individual countries have to progressively function and their industries have to be competitive enough internationally. To attain competitiveness, it is a difficult task for all nations to find employment for all members of a society that desire a job. The social problem may be to reflect what is about the manner nation’s society is presently planned that does not offer enough paid work prospects (Sharone and Vasquez 2017).
The individuals that are not employed may suffer critical private and social effects that may consist of obligation, housing pressure, breakdown, financial adversity, family strains, and vagrancy. Furthermore, this could also lead to a rise in criminal activities, social isolation, and mental health and therefore these reasons stress the social issue of unemployment and consequences that it poses on individuals. In Australia, the problem of unemployment has acommitted, socially created; westernized humiliation made up of undesirableorthodox views and can further affect an individual’s chance of forthcoming employment. There are millions of youngsters smearing for millions of jobs, along with taking the prospect to do added training; however being continuallyrevolved down due to inadequacy of knowledge in the job sector (Bower, Conroy and Perz 2018).
Furthermore, mature aged employees are being made redundant after years of being a part of the workforce. Parents perceive it tougher to protect them with a job as they may not be flexible, youngsterresponsive or it may not appropriate as per their needs to deliver for the household. The issues in unemployment are not simple to one thing, it is unavoidable and overwhelming. These reasons for unemployment are unavoidable and hence it is essential to use the social imagination theory to understand these issues from a novel viewpoint to facilitate the decline of this social issue within Australian society (Pignault and Houssemand 2017).
From the above essay on the "applicability of theories namely social construction, and social imagination to understand how joblessness is considered as a communal issue in Australia”, it can be concluded that the notions of these theories are better to comprehend unemployment is a social problem in Australia. Seeing atthoughts that social constructivism and the sociological imagination indicate towards joblessness aware individuals of the community problem. The usage of sociological imagination and social constructivism theory enables the persons to look at this communal problem prevailing in Australian culture from a different viewpoint to comprehend and discharge the likely external factors that could lead to unemployment. Sociological imagination permits an individual to comprehend the diverseviewpoints as to what a definite person can face during the time of joblessness and that it can be irrepressible. On the other hand, social construction is related to pigeonholesadjacentto the issue thinking that they are indolent and not desiring to get a job, thus not being the part of the society.
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