Ernesto has been convicted for committing grievous bodily harm towards an employee. Not only that, he was abusive towards his partner Oliver. He has also threatened to cause the child damage in case Oliver decided to leave with the child. As he has been violent in his ways, Ernesto has been facing problems with rehabilitation and resettlement as per the wishes of his partner. In this assignment, the steps that are taken by the probationary officer to deal with the problems of resettlement and rehabilitation have been taken up. Respective and relevant theories and models have been used for the support and provision of rationale regarding the rehabilitation procedure. The limitation and the suitability of the practices and models have been also taken up.
According to the rehabilitation model, rehabilitation is a process by which measures are taken up that will help the prisoners to deter criminal misconduct with the help of training or therapy. Popularly known as the “criminal reduction technique”, the probationary officers play an important role in the rehabilitation of the convicted (Domínguez and Montolio, 2021). In the case of Ernesto, it can be seen that the main role that is to be played by the probationary officer is that investigation should be taken up that will enable the PO to understand the extent of the circumstances of the offence towards the other person (Bullock and Bunce, 2018). The home environment will be assessed and according to that the plan for rehabilitation will be taken up. The probationary officer should contact the family members and help in the development of healthy relationship with the family members. This could be done by putting the convicted to therapy lessons with his family members. The officer should sign Ernesto and his family members to classes that will help in improving their relationship and parenting skills that are facilitated by the prison. Ernesto will be released and encouraging interacting with family members should also be supported in different ways so as to ensure a place after release from jail (Justice, 2018). The officer should also oversee the reduction of risk for the prisoner as well as the family members. As the release of the prisoner is fixed as soon as the convicted arrives at jail the rehabilitation plan is done at the same time. Therefore, Ernesto can access the offending behavior classes and programs that will bring a certain amount of change towards the violent outlook and bring about changes in his behavior.
Interventions that are non -accredited should be managed carefully by the probationary officer. The correct and appropriate interventions should be taken up by the officer to ensure that the prisoner does not relapse to the old methods. The officer should provide advice regarding housing agreements and entitlement to the benefits that are given by the state like housing and retirement pension. Financial advice will also be provided by the officer regarding the current condition that Ernesto is in (Welland et al., 2020). He can be admitted to the courses where money management is taught to the prisoners. With the help of the probationary officer, Ernesto can have access to the services by the specialist who will provide advice as well as information regarding the prison benefits that will increase his chances towards rehabilitation and get along well with his partner and child. Claims could be made by the officer regarding his release from the prison (Justiceinspectorates, 2021). The officer can monitor and assess his progress so that there are fewer barriers to rehabilitation process. Appointments at the job centers that are suitable for the convicted will also be taken up with the help from the probationary office after his release. The prisoner will be encouraged to save their money while he is in prison so that after his release he can stay and look after his family members. Any conflict regarding the custody of the child will also be taken up by the probationary officer and guidance will be provided as per requirement (Zivanai and Mahlangu, 2022). As Ernesto has suitable accommodation but is unable to stay there due to his aggressive behavior certain steps can be taken up by the probationary officer. The housing arrangements should be done by the probationary officer as per the existing arrangement. Housing advisors should be appointed by the probationary officers so that Ernesto can have a good idea about the problems he needs to solve before his release.
A critical analysis of existing policies is provided by the Model of Rehabilitation. The resettlement approach encompasses housing, training, education, and financial support as well as the health, employment, and family aspects (MAPPA, 2023). Models of this resettlement advise that in the case of housing, the resettlement partners must make sure Ernesto has safe, long-term, and appropriate housing secured before their release from custody to achieve. According to the perspective of the probationary officer, this pathway's primary goal is to guarantee that everyone who is released from detention has access to adequate, long-term housing with support as needed (Cracknell, 2021). With the use of this resettlement model, it is possible to determine the housing requirements of Ernesto who is in custody and to add to the body of research evidence and information that will guide future housing decisions for the population. Increasing the availability of appropriate and long-term housing for Ernesto exiting jail is also crucial since it will aid Ernesto in adjusting to life outside of prison. Additionally, Ernesto should have quick access to stable housing after being released from detention thanks to this. As the probation officer, you should make sure Ernesto receives the right quantity of housing support to maintain an acceptable place to live (Raynor, 2020). This will assist Ernesto to reintegrate into society once he is released from incarceration. It is crucial to do this to create interventions that will help individuals and their families maintain their bonds and, as necessary, facilitate their restoration to the family home.
It is possible to view the provision of probationary officer support as both a necessity of justice and a responsibility of moral society towards the weak. This ought to assist Ernesto in getting through the crisis and settling down. Ernesto was imprisoned and consequently lost both his home and his work. He suddenly loses his job and finds himself homeless (Cracknell, 2021. He should, of course, be given the option of relocation after his release from imprisonment. According to the probationary officer, it is their duty to start making up for the suffering of the condemned that was not intended to be a part of the sentence they were given by the court. The main objective of the probationary officer is to provide Ernesto with suitable and sustainable education to overcome his situation. Training and employment also should be provided to Ernesto to secure his future life and to resettle his life. That will give a chance to Ernesto to start his life from the beginning (Raynor, 2020). The continuity of education should be instructed by the probationary officer Ernesto. Giving the proper training and employment provision through social and personal skills are also important to provide support to Ernesto (McCarty and Brunton-Smith, 2018). Through these stages of the transitions from the community to the custody and from the custody to the community the support of education, training, and also the employment are all important to provide support to a misbalanced life of Ernesto. This support from the Probationary officer will help Ernesto to overcome the bad situations after his release from prison. Mainstream education also should be improved and also training is important after release from custody. The use of education and training will help Ernesto to establish opportunities for employment and resettlement.
Methods like premises that are approved, electronic and mentoring systems can also be used by Ernesto. This promotion is done to a greater extent in various aspects from fashion to media industries. There are various legal frameworks and these differ from different countries in the United Kingdom this Equality act 2010 aims to protect people without making any discrimination relating to age, disability, marriage partnership, race, sexual orientation, religion, and belief. There should be proper equality and inclusion in the workplace and this will help the officials to work properly and safely. There should be a proper systemic approach should be taken to avoid any hatred towards these common people (Hussemann and Page, 2011). There should be proper examinations and this will focus on identifying the people management practices it will also identify the different barriers that happen in the process of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This model utilises strategies that help individuals to work and stay freely irrespective of any pressures from the outside environment. These models help in the process of helping individuals in achieving their business goals. This model also focuses on the diverse workforce which may not achieve equal outcomes and thereby needs an environment for the cultures to flourish. The model of diversity will involve the process of proper training of employees and thereby help in engaging with other employees in the workplace more freely and this should be done by Ernesto (Harding et al., 2017). This might prevent Ernesto to commit any future crimes and rather help Ernesto to stay happy and safe. There should be proper communication between people that are present in the workplace and this should be maintained by Ernesto. Ernesto should also follow open culture which will depend on good communication channels and this will be based on dialogues and active listening.
Ernesto also needs to provide importance to other people's ideas and thereby take action on the feedback and this might create a change for Ernesto. After imprisonment, Ernesto needs to learn various training courses and this will help Ernesto to handle various difficult situations both inside and outside the workplace (Massoglia et al., 2018). Ernesto should also indulge himself in various awareness programs which will prevent Ernesto to commit any further crimes and this might help Ernesto stay happy. Training programs should be used by the probationary officers and this will help Ernesto to understand the issues and this will help Ernesto to lead a simple way of life. The probationary officers should maintain social justice and this will utilize the aspect of the right to equality this means every individual should be treated equally and there will be no biasness. Even in training and development, the employees should be treated equally. The probationary officers should introduce various mechanisms this will deal with all forms of harassment and bullying and this will also make clear that some behavior will not be tolerated (Haggerty and Bucerius, 2020). The PCS model can also be used in the understanding of the diverse methods that can be included in the case of Ernesto. At the personal and the psychological level, the opinions of Ernesto will be taken up and how his emotions are addressed. Any chances of oppression can be eliminated (Tripod , 2001). At the cultural level the norms that are social can be sifted through the conformity and the consensus of other people. At the structural level removal of any prejudice from impacting Ernesto in a negative manner can be reduced by allowing him to communicate with other people.
It can be concluded that Ernesto has been convicted of grievous bodily harm towards one of his co workers in his office that has landed him in jail. He has also been abusive towards his partner Oliver and has threatened to take the child away from him. Upon the request of Oliver, an exclusion zone has been requested in order to keep the child safe. The role of the probationary officer has been justified in the assignment. The probationary officer can help in the rehabilitation, resettlement of the convicted. The officer can guide and admit the person in therapy lessons that will help him in managing the anger issues and aggressive behavior towards others. The resettlement procedure will be taken up that will ensure that Ernesto has a place to go after his release from the prison. Education and training for requiring a suitable job after release from the prison should be taken up that will help in the stability of the person.
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Raynor, P. (2020) “Resettlement after short prison sentences: What might work in England and Wales?,” Probation Journal, 67(4), pp. 326–339. Available at:
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