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Nurse are always burdened with work and continuous working shifts. This sometimes leads to poor patient-centered care and therefore time management is a crucial skill, required by nurses to manage patient in everyday care practice. Time management skills are an indispensable part of nursing practice, which enhances the nurses to deliver an efficient patient-center manage the patients. Poor ability to manage time in accordance to the hefty shifts and workloads in nursing has been the cause of several medical errors, and deterioration in nurses’ well-being (Mphephu, 2019). Lack of efficiency in time-management impacts registered nurses, patients, and their families in terms of their quality of delivery, managing stress levels, and ensuring personal as well as patients’ health benefits, respectively.

Organization – Prioritization – Delegation

Notes- Time management skills are indispensable part of nursing practice, which enhances the nurses to deliver an efficient patient-centric care to the patients. Poor ability of managing time in accordance to the hefty shifts and workloads in nursing has been the cause of several medical errors, deterioration in nurses’ well-being (Mphephu, 2019). Lack of efficiency in time-management impacts registered nurses, patients and the families in terms of their quality of delivered, managing the stress levels, and ensuring personal as well as patients’ health benefits, respectively.

3.Online Survey

The online survey invited 50 new graduate nurses to answer multiple 'yes or no' answer questions. Examples of these questions include;

- Do you feel you achieve all you set out to accomplish during a single shift?

- Do you feel rushed and/or unorganized during a busy shift?

- Do you ever feel stressed during your nursing shift trying to ensure you meet your patients' care needs?

- Have you ever finished a shift and realized you told a patient you would assist them in a task but forgot?

 - Have you ever commenced a medication round and had to stop to check a patient's vital observations before administering a specific medicine?

  • 20 out of 50 NGNs believe they achieve their goals of care during a shift
  • 45 out of 50 NGNs answered 'yes' to feeling rushed and/or unorganized during a busy shift.
  • 40 out of 50 NGNs agreed to feel stressed during their shifts
  • 25 out of 50 NGNs have finished a shift and realized they'd forgotten to attend to an agreed task for a patient
  • 18 out of 50 NGNs admitted needing to pause a medication round to check vital observations.

Notes- The study conducted by Aggar et al, 2018 through an online survey highlighted the issues faced by the nurses within a healthcare setting. The survey explored the aspects and impacts associated with poor time management and strenuous shifts in nursing. The prominent impacts of poorly managed shifts are reflected in form of rushed and unorganized care to patients, medication administration errors, and failure in consistent monitoring of patients in the healthcare setting.


LO 1: At the conclusion of this educational resource, registered nurses will be able to analyze and prioritize nursing care (Analysing).

LO 2: Registered nurses will understand why shift planning is essential to provide efficient and effective care after partaking in this educational resource (Understanding)

LO 3: At the conclusion of this educational resource, Registered nurses will be able to complete a shift planner using prioritization and anticipation of timing to achieve their desired task-related goals during a shift (Applying)

LO 4- After completing the educational resource, the registered nurses can apply their innovative skills and create strategies for enhanced clinical processes. The Creativity in forming new clinical tools based on time management would assist the registered nurses in building plans for effective managing shifts and time for the nurses (Creating).

Notes- According to the Bloom’s Taxonomy the learning outcomes characterized under 6 hierarchical levels- Remembering, analysing, understanding, applying, creating, and evaluating. The learning objectives focused in the presentation are- registered nurses’ skills of analysing and prioritizing the patient-centric care. After analysis of the care it is essential that the registered nurses understand the significance of time and shift management in their nursing practices. Another level of learning intended by the presentation is the ability to efficiently apply the knowledge to finally create innovative nursing care plans in absolute coordination with the time-management skills (Dam et al., 2022).


Notes- To successfully assist the nurses in delivering care after efficiently acquiring and integrating the skills of time management certain teaching methodologies can be used. The four teaching methods highlighted in the presentation are chosen and work on the chosen domains of Bloom’s taxonomy. The teaching strategies chosen are- Kahoots quiz in the analysis level of blooms taxonomy, and 1-hour lecture method falling in the understanding domain, which is based on visual presentation with images and graphs or one on one education. The quiz method is more focused where some disadvantages also occur like the internet or any other technical issue. The lecture comparatively covers education to large population at once and covers long topics as well. However, the nurse might get fewer opportunities for doubt solving on shift planning (Dam et al., 2022).


Notes- Further the method of face-to-face workshops comprising of different tools, techniques, activities, and simulations is discussed in the application domain of the blooms taxonomy. Finally, an elaboration on the Online computed assisted learning through HETI my health learning called ‘Managing your time’ (Health Education and Training, 2021), is done under the creation domain of the taxonomy.


Kahoot Quiz (Analysis)

  • Kahoot quiz is characterized as a formative assessment which provides instantaneous assessment feedback.
  • The Kahoot quiz results are evaluated based on the teacher's feedback.
  • Kahoot quiz is also used as a self-evaluating assessment with real-time evaluation of the outcomes.
  • The evaluation process is also performed between the quiz questionnaires.

Notes- Kahoot quiz analysis is a formative assessment which evaluates the registered nurses’ knowledge regarding time-management based on the quiz questions. The assessment evaluation is based on the mentor’s feedbacks, self-assessment, or generation of the outcomes by computational methods. The evaluation of the teaching resource findings can be done to assess the registered nurses’ knowledge and skills (Tee et al., 2019).


1-hour Lecture-

  • Evaluating the lectures as a teaching resource can be done by maintaining the lecture records and performing follow-up quizzes.
  • Lecture outcomes evaluation can also be derived from feedback from the registered nurses.
  • Registered nurses can evaluate the effectiveness of the lectures by assessing the knowledge gained and enhancing it in practice (Jones & Sharma, 2019).

Notes- Lectures are a important part of health care systems. Registered nurses can learn the importance and aspects of time management through attending lectures that are given on the topic. Maintaining records on the lecture and the follow up queries on the topic can help in the understanding. The effectiveness of the lecture in understanding the time management can be assessed the knowledge gained through the lecture and applying it in a practical environment (Baker et al., 2019).

Face-to-face workshop consisting of practice writing out shift planners, trialling their shift planner in a simulated environment to assess /trial and error of anticipated timing of tasks –

  • Face-to-face workshops inculcate more practical education about time management among the nursing teams.
  • Evaluating the outcomes derived from this education resource can be done by monitoring the progress in skills.
  • Application of the acquired knowledge efficiently into the nursing practices (Raynault et al., 2021).

Notes- Face-to-Face Workshop is a very important tool in learning and to put in action what they have learned in a simulated environment. This involves practical approach towards understanding time management among registered nurses. The learning can be evaluated by careful monitoring the progress of the skill shown during the simulation. The learning from the workshop can be applied directly to their nursing practices (Serhan. 2020).

Online computer-assisted learning through HETI my health learning called 'Managing your time' (Health Education and Training, 2021)

  • Evaluating the online learning resource results can be done by assessing registered nurses' efficiency in formulating time management strategies.
  • Online learning portals also use computational evaluation techniques, which help accurately assess efficiency.
  • Automated feedback generation in computer-assisted health learning also evaluates the outcomes obtained from the educational resource (Shadiev & Yang, 2020).

Notes- HETI is an eLearning environment that provides quality education on “Management of time” for nurses online. Nurses can learn to efficiently formulate time management strategies using this online platform. The learning through this online portal is assessed using computational evaluation techniques and also is provided through automated feedback generation. 



Aggar, C., Bloomfield, J. G., Frotjold, A., Thomas, T. H., & Koo, F. (2018). A time management intervention using simulation to improve nursing students’ preparedness for medication administration in the clinical setting: A quasi-experimental study. Collegian25(1), 105-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2017.04.004

Baker, R., Evans, B., Li, Q., & Cung, B. (2019). Does inducing students to schedule lecture watching in online classes improve their academic performance? An experimental analysis of a time management intervention. Research in Higher Education60(4), 521-552. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-018-9521-3

Dam, M., Majumder, D., Bhattacharjee, R., & Santra, S. S. (2022). Student’s performance evaluation according to the cognitive domain: fuzzy logic approach. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2286, No. 1, p. 012014). IOP Publishing.

Sofyana, A. W., Faridi, A., & Shakiyya, Z. (2020). Implementation of Kahoot as a Digital Assessment Tool in English Formative Test for Students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. English Education Journal10(4), 466-473.

Moreno, P. J., Andrades, A., Martinez, M. A., Muñoz, M. M., Ruiz, S., Marin, R., & Chico, J. R. (2019). Tell Me More. Contextualizing And Expanding Economic Terminology In The Classroom. In INTED2019 Proceedings (pp. 9359-9366). IATED. https://dx.doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.2318

Mphephu, A. G. (2019). Effects of nursing work loads on patients safety in the selected public hospitals in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa (Doctoral dissertation).

Jones, K. A., & Sharma, R. S. (2019). An experiment in blended learning: Higher education without lectures?. International Journal of Digital Enterprise Technology1(3), 241-275. 

Raynault, A., Lebel, P., Brault, I., Vanier, M. C., & Flora, L. (2021). How interprofessional teams of students mobilized collaborative practice competencies and the patient partnership approach in a hybrid IPE course. Journal of Interprofessional Care35(4), 574-585. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1783217

Shadiev, R., & Yang, M. (2020). Review of studies on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching. Sustainability12(2), 524. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12020524

Serhan, D. (2020). Transitioning from Face-to-Face to Remote Learning: Students' Attitudes and Perceptions of Using Zoom during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science4(4), 335-342.

Tee, K. P., Teo, P. H., & Rasiah, R. A. T. N. E. S. W. A. R. Y. (2019). Evaluating the influence of student response systems on university students’ learning. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology14, 111-119.

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