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Project Planning and Budgeting

Project scope can impact project schedule. The points stated in the post accurately identifiy the project creep that affects project scope and inevitably lead to impact on project schedule. The case of National Symposium Project had to decide on host city before making local arrangements.

The implementation of Work break down structure will ensure all project deliverable are managed and project task are processed as manageable task structure (Stacho, 2019). I strongly agree the effective communication will reduce uncertainty and resistance in the organization. Emphasizing on communicating with stakeholders as effective strategy will reduce ambiguity. In my opinion development of Gantt chart as part of schedule other than work break down structure is effective for scope management. The deliverable at the end of the project will ensure project deliverable quality by effective design and allocation. Factors influencing the project as external factors are reasoned well as change in the process impacts the operation of the project. Stakeholder engagement and structuring request as part of change log as status update for change request carried is highly recommended. The implementation measures align with project outcomes and managing computing agreement with reface to the case study. The remedial measures on strategies of resistance provides holistic views for the National Symposium Project as it takes in account financial constraints, arrangements, and managing change through designing of stakeholder engagement. The communication style as direct and indirect is specific in the interest and aspiration which stands out as this will reduce resistance and ensure and project planning effectiveness.

Reference for Effective Communication in Organisations

Stacho, Z., Stachová, K., Papula, J., Papulová, Z. & Kohnová, L., (2019). Effective communication in organisations increases their competitiveness. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 19(1), 391-403.

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