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Introduction to Community Health and Disease Prevention

The purpose of the report is to focus on AIDS and the potential that further causes the problems within the given community. As observed within the community, to eradicate the problems the disease can be transferred from one individual to another and it can be due to the infected blood or caused with the exchange of the semen or vaginal fluids (Verma, 2020). The problem of the disease within the community is how it can affect the immune deficiency syndrome, causing a major compromise on the weakened system (Singh, 2017). The issues of AIDS if not considered on time, can lead to weight losses and even accounts for the fever, further cause the night sweating and lead to fatigue or recurrent infection (Tomar, 2020).

The problem of AIDS is, to begin with, the cure and if not treated on time, can lead to antiretroviral regimens (ARVs) leading to the slow death and would further cause the problem of higher secondary infection on account of the complications. The problem of HIV starts with flu-like symptoms and even can cause hay fever or regular fever then start with the sore throat and further causing fatigue. The problem of the disease can further cause an asymptomatic problem that can account for AIDS. Within the community to control the problem of AIDS the accurate steps would be to spread awareness and also include the community within the information programs, to control the mortality rate and how to handle the situation of HIV. To strengthen the people's condition the accurate steps would be to spread awareness and also how to reduce the ill-effects to improve health and consist avoid any ill effects. Community awareness can also be evaluated as to how the workers can improve the life span and minimize the ill effects on the body (Resubuna, 2020). The AIDS prevention program would be as follows-:

Community Health and Disease Prevention - Part 1

Community-Based Interaction Through Laverack's Ladder

Through the use of the Laveracks ladder is to consider the active participation and further involve the ways of engaging the community that can help to minimize the as strengthening the community-related health improvement programs. It would further involve the steps to integrate the community empowerment and also include the crucial role to play. For this, a detailed analysis has to progressively work over the interpersonal or contextual analysis that can help to smoothen the process. To relate with the analysis of the relationship, the core is to a developed relationship is to work over the individual control capacity and how to include the correction of the social aspects (Ahsan, 2017). To smoothen the command the importance of the community-related disease is to work over the leadership role and how to develop the community-based interaction which can help to work over empowerment. It would involve the steps to practice utility point and how to include the health care units which can develop a basis to include the participation (Arno, 2017). The importance of the government is to focus on the communities that can progress and participate in the health care programs to make it more engaging and effective.

Prevention of HIV: 3 Key Strategies

As necessary steps to include 3 key strategies the importance of the implementation program and it would further include the policy-making and integrating the collaborative approaches to enhance the community development programs and to bring in the leadership building. To restore the policy-making and even work over the ways to strengthen the research and include the government program (Burman, 2018). The main role of the policymakers is to understand the cause and the repercussion effects of policies. To further include the interest of policymakers can help to work over the nation's requirements. Such as the examples would involve the international bodies including the WHO and UNO that can work with the Federal government. Further, the policymaker would involve the policies that would involve active participation along with the leadership helping empowerment to be part of the community.

The involvement of health programs can even account for making it successful (Costa, 2017). This would be part of three activities such as the first is working relationship that would involve the migrant farmworkers and with the owners to work to include the municipality further to develop the plan of action required for the mobile health clinics which would support the workers. The other list would involve the application related to the health awareness program that can approach the HIV preventive approach. Lastly, it would include the focus that could control the community participation and would make the empowerment making its participation in the leadership (Heywood, 2016). Active involvement would engage the evaluation plan and needs to monitor the project that can target and the community.

Community Health and Disease Prevention - Part 2

Application the Theories with The Health Promotion Practice 

The importance of the health belief model has been involved since the 1950s and it would include the US Public Health Service that can describe the psychological framework and it would show how it would cause the health programs would further cause the detection of disease. The resulting problems of the professional nursing practices and it would cause the model to further relations with the how the patient compliance can be used as a complaint to the non-compliance application in the scope of the preventive program (Kiene, 2019). From the theory, the explained part is how it can cause the intrapersonal skills to be more programs that can cause the prevention to be failed. The importance of people's interest and it would further explain the participation that can be considering the health-promoting activities (Kayal, 2017). 

The model can describe the integration as a result of the personal risk analysis and it can cause the solution to inter effective use. Further, it involves the health belief model that is understood below

In the model, it eventually describes how it would interpret the target segment and there can be an effective source that can describe the promotion to good health. Further can describe the communities that can explain how the health rational action can actually eradicate the problem and also monitor the health (Kumar, 2017).

Core Domains of Capacity Building - Liberato et al

Within the frame, it explains how to promote the focus on promoting awareness and can work over the HIV problems before it transitions into the AIDS by focusing on the participation rate. It would engage in the empowerment programs and it would account for the community. Further, it would be necessary to have communication that can work with a better health care system that awareness and also bring in information dissemination (Leon-Guerrero, 2018). To evaluate the relation over the health care system the necessary information would involve the issues along with the preventive measures that can aid in eliminating the illnesses. It can help in restoring the problems and also to eradicate the problem of community to stabilize the action on health (Mokwele, 2018).

The sender of the message would focus on the unit with the hospital and they can communicate digital medium including the brochure. To research the message, the important step would be to include the role of the hospital and to focus on the AIDS patients that can evaluate and control the awareness aimed at prevention. It would involve awareness and check the technological advancements that can control medicine progress. The importance of advancement would make it part of health care providers aimed at the immune system.

Community Health and Disease Prevention - Part 3

Models of Health Promotion

Within the model of health belief, it describes how there can be an analysis that can draw in favor of what can individuals relate to and how it would involve the communities to think and can make it part of the outcomes to overcome HIV problems. It can further include the scenario of awareness levels to be made part of a better understanding of such a group. The integrate the effective knowledge the importance of the knowledge can be considered for the effective policy. To relate with the better provision of awareness, it is necessary to include the utilization depending on the policy formation. The steps involved over the impact policy would invoke the better command and would involve the policy formation along with the knowledge implied (Tomar, 2020). Such as the examples include the knowledge utilization aimed at protecting and eliminating AIDS. The communities would be more informed and more guided with credible sources and can be informed rightfully. It would be closely related to the data concerning the evaluation aimed at the proper research required to collaborate and to have proper program designing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Within the health belief model, it would outlook the needs aimed at the planned programs and it can include the prior existing relationship within the communities. The benefit of the model such as education would involve better guidance and a better relation to the scope of information aimed to overcome the problems of communities. It would involve the investment and would involve the technologies that can account for the databases segregating the global group's blood banks (Tomar, 2020). There can be higher evidences that can involve the factors aimed at resolving the epidemic and further improving the problems. The necessary research-based can account for the data generated required from the resources and it would involve the reliable and valid. It would be majorly the government measures (Verma, 2020). The research includes the qualitative and would involve the multiple aspects required as the humans that can be treated and be supported with information sources needed to have the holistic research required from human rights.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

The important method is qualitatively aimed at the segregation of how HIV would be treated and be aimed at informal sources to extend the family support to holistic research and can require human rights. Further, the role of policy communication can weak the system of drafting and overcoming the rules and regulations (Verma, 2020). The importance of the public health sector can be more open and more informative depending on the health system required for the strong role with the leader and the empowerment. The steps to counter the better policies would include the two examples like research and analysis with the given data gathered information from the drawn statics like unprotected sex. Includes the capacity, leadership, and awareness would involve the necessary results and outcomes. The awareness can be through overcoming the HIV infection rates specifically checking the after and before programs.

The importance of self-Efficacy introduced in 1988 has been more than the person’s perception of competence engaged with the behavior. The key components would include individual behavior and would further involve the health belief model. Further, the development would involve the internal source aimed at the demographics of psychological, and involve the social and structural variables.

Conclusion on Community Health and Disease Prevention

To conclude how the AIDS-related problem can be a major consequence on the human rights organizations and would involve the high spread awareness and the efficient community programs that can help curb the mortality rate. Within the community to control the problem of AIDS the accurate steps would be to spread awareness and also include the community within the information programs, to control the mortality rate and how to handle the situation of HIV. The importance to foster and eradicate the ill effects can be focused on improving the health situation in HIV. To strengthen the people's condition the accurate steps would be to spread awareness and also how to reduce the ill-effects to improve health and consist avoid any ill effects. AIDS if not treated within the time, would even cause a major cause of problems and even account for the high mortality along with the unprecedented death. The problem of HIV starts with flu-like symptoms and even can cause hay fever or regular fever then start with the sore throat and further causing fatigue. The problem of the disease can further cause an asymptomatic problem that can account for AIDS.

References for Community Health and Disease Prevention

Ahsan, A., & Lestari, R. (2017). Developing primary liaison psychiatric services for HIV/AIDS patients in the community. International Journal of Public Health6(3), 251-256.

Arno, P. S. (2019). The future of voluntarism and the AIDS epidemic. The Aids Patient (pp. 56-70). Routledge.

Burman, C. J. (2018). The Taming Wicked Problems Framework: A plausible biosocial contribution to ‘ending AIDS by 2030’. TD: The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa14(1), 1-12.

Costa, E. C., Silva, J., & Pereira, M. G. (2017). Demographic factors, mental health problems, and psychosocial resources influence women's AIDS risk. Health Care for Women International38(9), 913-926.

Heywood, W., & Lyons, A. (2016). HIV and elevated mental health problems: diagnostic, treatment, and risk patterns for symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in a national community-based cohort of gay men living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior20(8), 1632-1645.

Kayal, P. M. (2018). Bearing witness: Men's health crisis and the politics of AIDS. Routledge.

Kiene, S. M., Sileo, K. M., Dove, M., & Kintu, M. (2019). Hazardous alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems are associated with unknown and HIV-positive status in fishing communities in Uganda. AIDS care31(4), 451-459.

Kumar, A. (2017). The Social and Health Problems of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development8(4), 166-171.

Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social problems: Community, policy, and social action. Sage publications.


Resubuna, T. F., Darmawansyah, M. T. A., Amiruddin, R., & Manyullei, S. (2019). HIV/AIDS Control Program in Health Office of Jayawiya District: Empowerment and Logistic Study. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy13(4), 201-205.

Singh, M. R. (2017). Problems of HIV/AIDS infected women in Manipur: agenda for policy change. HIV & AIDS Review. International Journal of HIV-Related Problems16(1), 5-10.

Tomar, A., Balcezak, H. C., & Wigfall, L. T. (2020). Abstract B28: HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer: Knowledge and beliefs among staff at community-based HIV/AIDS service organizations (ASOs).

Verma, S. P. (2020). The Rapidly Increasing Psycho-Social Problems Among the Youth due to HIV/AIDS. Psychology10(3), 83-88.

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