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There is eight Member Associations launched with the Gymnastics Australia of the time period 2022-2024 in implementing the Australian Strategic Framework creating a new vision for sports in the national as well as in the International level. A vision is the first and foremost priority for establishing an organization behavioural pattern understanding and evaluating every policies such as the accountability of the coach, its response and strategies as a National Social Media Policy and understanding the practical aspects of negligence for child and transforming into abuse. There is a complete vision for the development of the organization. The policies thus framed will go to strive for Care, Accountability, and how to gain for Respect and excellence.

This behaviour will together constitute as a privileged and analyse whether the policies are right in one context or wrong depending upon the instructions and criteria. The analysis and interpretation is of extreme importance of the testament and therefore a proper team is made by the membership of nine committee members and a whole framework is developed just to ensure clarity and alignment in the utmost level and increased efficiency and effectiveness which go together at par. The spirit of the sport should not be defeated at any cost.

Vision & Mission includingNational Coaching Pathway explaining the coach engagement and accountability.

There is a complete vision for each and every sport. The flavour would be doubled when it is enriched by gymnastics. There should be fun, safe and welcoming environment for everybody or say the sports lover who are empowered with their personal goals.

National Coaching Pathway explaining the coach engagement and accountability

The coaching pathway is distributed into two segments. The first starting with the so called Intermediate Coach for creating tumbling skills. It is rightly called as advanced Accreditations. These types of Participations give a clear picture of safely conducted trainings. The tools are also given huge priority.

Now focusing upon on what it covers it take participation module, a log Book, an advanced tumbling face module. Anyone can be surprised that it covers almost all the accreditation’s based modules and planning assessment tasks also. There is a vivid pathway which could provide a recreational coach and a resemblance of the State association and its upto you to decide which type of coaches you will prefer.

Now again going to the next level this type of advanced accreditation will help in developing different strategies and physical abilities, understand the competition season and understanding biomedical principles and information which could relate to the gymnastics and teaches many more skills. Now again what are the attributable factors like related to advanced coaching principles and junior projects .there will be a physical preparation analysis and skill development project , first aid course, and annual and seasonal plan, advanced face to face modules.

More about Strategic Plan& What will be the Key Strategies of restorative engagement Plan or scheme?

There had been a Gymnastics Strategic Plan which has been built for the collaboration with our state as well as union Territories and taking every factor into consideration from the clubs, and efforts of all technical members of the association. So the question triggers what will be the strategic activities and what will be the role of providing services, education and the resources. So duly consideration is to be given as the Change in the Routine Report recommendations and strategies.

This is one of the precious gifts of The Australian Sports Association for the athletes and their families who do not share a wonderful experience with the association. This scheme gives an option to address all sorts of abuses and malpractices faced by them. This will be regarded as the formal acknowledgement and unreserved apologies which will be there to defeat the very purpose and intention of the sport. Keeping this strategies’ in mind these are experiences of the sport atmosphere.

Detail Policy Framework and Key Recommendations of the Sports association.

The detailed framework takes into consideration the ethics, principles in which the association stands. This includes strategic guidance of the organization, monitoring by the management board. The most important responsibility is to specify the roles of the management or the board of directors .The ASC does not specifies the governance structure but describes the complexity and the work structure and other responsibility the organization or the managers need to perform. Sometimes all other procedures are duly considered. For an example the territory is the area of registration also matters a bit. It also takes into account the governing powers of the board, reporting, recording and providing scrutiny of the accounts or also known as auditing. It will definitely conclude all the relevant factors that how the members will go to elect their representatives on the board like one state one voting power. There is likelihood of possessing different roles for different people. So before delegating the authorities one must be sure that what role is positioning to whom meaning the board directions of the organization , all sorts of monitoring policies, all financial and non-financial properties and so on. One may be completely shocked after coming to know all the possibilities like there is a whole structure of the board of directors specifying the role of independent directors, about the nomination subcommittee, legal responsibility of the managerial persons sometimes called as key managerial persons.

The whole structure also shows the possibilities of amalgamating, an interim board engagement and if the bodies are amalgamated all the future possibilities for the sport members and the organisation as a whole. The board outlines various duties of the board members describing the care and proper diligence, and the possibilities of the term conflict of interests between the persons. There is a proper board process also including the legal requirements, decision making approaches, all the logistics details also including all the protocols to be followed .The documentation procedures have to be strengthen for complying all the formalities when put together. Importance of work plan is the key consideration for the policy framework. Board should have effective risk management procedures identifying the risks of the organisations and the management system should take into account the Australian as well as the New Zealand standard and the code of conduct. There should be a review process called as the performance review process. Now when talking about the relationship, appointment of the external as well as the internal auditors. There is organisation risk management framework defining all the key roles and possibilities. Also there is a reporting framework reviewing all the accounts of the audit committee.

There is no legal requirement as such for sporting clubs or associations to become incorporated in Australia. There is absolutely a state or territory legislation and the most important feature is the organisation holds an important feature that is limited liability. It is noteworthy that this type of organisations cannot enter into the contracts with their own capacity. But due to some reports I have found that individual are involved with the sporting clubs have entered into such agreements which ate absolutely in the eyes of law and the nature of this type of organizations provide restrictions on trading or conducting business due to some important reasons. The reasons are that these associations have not given that proper structure of that of a corporate and all other formalities or tax structure it was supposed to be. Means in no ways they are going to plan for distribution of profit.

It is pertinent to note that the sporting clubs in Australia are structured as public companies, limited by guarantee and registered with the Australian Securities and Investments. The Australian Sports Commission has released a set of Guidelines that is the Sports Governance Principles. It is clear from the very beginning that these types of legal structure are not legally binding. The ASC operates under the Australian Commission Act and have the criteria for responsible decision making and reporting. Some of the common rules are:

  1. The basic duties from the very beginning are to hold general meetings.
  2. All the financial reporting obligations resulting in definite tax structure.
  3. All the duties, rules and regulations of the management committee.
  4. Duty to inform the decisions for the members that what duties are assigned and what to perform. These will be regarded as the key elements of the decision.

Measurement reliability and sensitivity of common athlete

Very important component of the Professional Australian Football players relies on some methods and tools. The Test-retest reliability (noise) and there are weekly based calculated parameters such as reference and reliable tools for Professional footballers. There are some questionnaires which are to be prepared before training sessions which is towards an increasing step towards perfection. You cannot think that due to perfect segmentation and differentiation of the levels and improvement of the players like sleep quality, fatigue level, heart rate recovery, these are the standard levels which need to be maintained and classified under different heads. The statistical measurements are also duly considered. These data are too useful for the coaches and scientists to work upon. These are some of the meaningful component of the Professionalism of Australian Football.

There are some other professional tools also. For an example- CMJ performance, Submaximal Heart Rate Test. These tests are arranged well before in proprietary software tools and maximised. The present result shows all the wellness measures which are surely acceptable.

Skill Based Assessment Program: A Future model based on Research

There is a 5 level performance assessment Model for assessment of the athletes where they have introduced Level _1 to Level _5 match play keeping in mind the model and representative model incorporating all the relevant tools for the performance models providing a comprehensive behaviour of researches and practitioners. So while providing the model framework keeping both the factors in mind like the environmental factor as well as the sporting situation. If you are providing training then you have to make sure for the greatest potential for rewarding business and gaining long term benefits. You can guess from the beginning what an important tasks selecting members from a very small population (Simonton, 1999; Honer and Votteler, 2016) which includes the technical and tactical resources. For an example taken into consideration the observation part is almost very important which can be reproduced in the laboratory and the second includes field-based assessments to understand very well the analytical approach of practice and instruction.

Now talking vividly of the core concepts lets note a closely information of the specific performance at each and every level. Let’s take an example to elaborate the stuff like talking about the RLD framework like while giving training for tennis work it will design the difference between the practise sessions and the original match play. So there are on the other end talent identification program whose main motive is to find the right and suitable athlete for the fair game. So it will automatically have a multi-disciplinary approach. The paper gives more weight to the underlying factors and questioning the right reasons for choosing a candidate. This is immensely important. This 5- level performance is utmost important. Now what will be the governing factors including AF kicking proficiency test. There are also explanations that at exactly what level of analysis needed providing kick distance as well as locomotion.


The present study examined all the reliability and sensitivity of commonly used monitoring tools which will quite helpful for the professional governance of the athlete’s. And in some cases there needs to be meaningful tests which will going to work for some lack of normalities like assessing changes in fitness and fatigues.


  1. Annie E Leeks, Mitchell J O Colonell, Charlie Guerit and Jeremy Manupillai, (September 8, 2022),The Sports Law Review: Australia Prudence .
  2. Measurement Characteristics of Athelete Monitoring Tools in Professional Australian Football.( International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance) http;//doi.org/10.1122/ijspp 2019.0060.
  3. Taylor K, Chapman D, Cronin J, Newton M, Gill N. Fatigue monitoring in high performance sport; a survey of current trends. J Aust Strength Cond. 2012:12-23.
  4. Coutts A, Cormack S. Monitoring the training response. In: Joyce DL, Vertsegen M after monitoring system theoretical basis.
  5. Currell K , Jeukendrup AE. Validity, reliability and sensitivity of measures of sporting performance. Sports Med.2008;38(4):297-316 Pub Med Id: 18348590.
  6. Ryan S, Kempton T, Pacecca E, Coutts AJ. Measurement properties of an adductor strength assessment system in professional Australian footballers.
  7. Gastin PB, MeyerD, Robinson D. Perceptions of wellness to monitor adaptive responses to training and competition in elite Australian Football. J Strength Cond Res 2013:27(9):2518-2526. Pub Med ID-23249820.

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