This is not only the secret behind Dereck’s competence but also the secret behind top Marketers that stay on top of the latest marketing trends in the globe. After probing Marketing students and successful marketing professionals, we have come with the list of 7 Podcasts that a Marketing student must listen to. What’s more, they’ll also help you ace your marketing assignments if you have been looking for some online assignment help.
Any list of Marketing Podcasts can not be completed without mentioning GaryVee, the award-winning author and an expert marketing strategist, GaryVee. The GaryVee Audio Experience is a Podcast show presented by him. The podcasts stream about a variety of topics that also includes Gary's keynote speeches and extended segments from DailyVee, his blog series. This guy has been one of the early promoters of podcasts since the beginning and had the vision to predict that podcasts would be “the thing” of the future. Get on to listening to this one for breathtaking insights and to stay updated with the trends in the marketing world.
Voxburner is the firm that hosts the world's largest and creepiest youth marketing festival, encouraging young people to become entrepreneurs and provide them with a platform to network with top marketing professionals.
They feature guests from their huge network that consists of marketing experts and knowledgeable people. Some of their podcasts include executives from BuzzFeed, Starbucks, American Eagle on the table discussing marketing for the Gen Z market. Podcasts are appropriately lengthy and are released weekly.
It is hands down one of the most acclaimed marketing podcasts out there. It was recently awarded the title of “Best Podcast” by Content Marketing Awards. You get to learn all the behind the scenes secrets of the marketing strategy of the companies like IBM, Ford, Dell and a down more. It is great for anyone who wants to stay updated with the experimental trends in Social Media. The podcasts also take QnA seriously and answer questions in-depth, debunking famous myths along the way.
Well, this podcast from Harvard Business Review makes a really special deal. Along with being incredibly credible, the podcast presents CEOs from global corporations such as Amazon, Starbucks as well as presents the viewpoints of leading researchers. They don’t just stop marketing but discuss numerous topics revolving around the business such as leadership, finances and global trade.
Like the other Podcasts, they even invite industry experts to talk about various topics. What sets them apart is their niche. They cover topics like Google advertisements and Email Marketing. They have some insightful Podcasts on Facebook advertising as well. They Niche down on the areas that other podcasts don’t cover in detail. Like discussing the specifics and nuances of a promotion campaign on Facebook or Google Adwords. On certain episodes, they presented the breakdown of campaigns by Vodafone and IKEA and presented a detailed collation of Best Practices for global marketers.
Remember the Instagram Page “The World Record Egg”? The page had just a picture of an egg and that scored more likes than pictures of Kylie Jenner in total. Does wondering want behind the success of this campaign, the world record egg? Well, this Podcast debunks the mysteries behind absurdly successful campaigns on Social Media. This is the place where you can find Social Media stories, Experimentation and a lot many things to learn. Definitely worth a visit.
One of the USP of this podcast is that it gives you bite-sized pieces of information while you finish your coffee break. So you can listen to this podcast anytime. The tone is informal and friendly that helps you follow the podcast and consume all the valuable information that it delivers. It is one of the favourite podcasts of most of the marketing students who like to utilize their short breaks from work. The Podcast gets its name as it originates from a coffee shop in Boston. This podcast originates in a Boston coffee shop, and when you listen, you can sense it in the way it's presented. Give it a listen.
Originally, Indie Hackers is an Epic community where Entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs come together to build profitable side projects and businesses. On their Podcasts, the host interviews developers and founders from the community about how they built, marketed and expanded their side projects into profitable businesses. Their podcasts are insightful, Inspiring and invaluable for anyone trying to build a successful side hustle.
That marks the end of the list folks. I have done my part by listing all the best Marketing Podcasts on one list. Go through the description and find the one that suits you. You can either choose to give a try to each one of them and decide to subscribe to one of them you grow to like the most. But the key is regularity. Stay updated with these podcasts and slowly you’ll see a growth in your perspective and vision. These are an excellent source if you are looking for marketing assignment help such as resources on the internet. You’ll be way ahead than your competition eventually.
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