Approaching a senior thesis in any major can be an intimidating prospect. However, like most large tasks, a thesis is much more manageable if you take it one step at a time and rely on your advisors to lead you in productive directions. In some ways, economics is a particularly intimidating field in which a thesis involves the research literature, which further uses mathematical and economic tools on a conceptual level. In its most basic form, your economics thesis represents an argument, using tools, research and reasoning appropriate to the field of economics, in response to the central question you have chosen to investigate.
As outlined below, producing a thesis can be broken down into a series of stages. Each stage involves a substantial amount of work and, to some degree, must be completed before the following stages can proceed. Steady progress throughout the year is crucial to a successful thesis. Students who achieve the benchmarks for progress set by the department and their advisors can usually minimize the amount of stress arising at the second-semester deadlines. For students who face difficulties writing and finishing their work on time, economics assignments help provides several expert thesis writing services, and students in all economics fields can access their excellent standards of educational services.
Selecting a good thesis topic is the first step toward a successful thesis project. Choosing an area in which your interest is likely to be sustained through this long research process is important. After the selection process, one of the most crucial steps is selecting your thesis advisor, who is most likely familiar with your topic. If there is a faculty member with expertise in that area, that person should normally advise your thesis. Advisors who possess direct or indirect expertise will help you write a better thesis and help you gain useful insights on your economics thesis query.
While you are the best authority on your areas of interest, you will have to rely on the faculty, and especially on your advisor, to help you find a specific thesis topic that you can complete on time with the resources that are available at Reed. Specific, focused topics are almost always better than highly general or vague ones.
It is often argued that scholars are built on the shoulders of other empirical works. Therefore, the first step of writing your thesis research is to search broadly and deeply to find the relevant scholarly works that serve similar interests to your thesis. Many resources are available on Google Scholar to help you with this search. Consult your economics thesis advisor and other faculty members to direct you toward the prominent pieces of research that are important for your economics thesis. Writing while researching your scholarly inquiries is an important part of thesis writing, as it helps in keeping into account the various findings conducted from various literature reviews. Moreover, keeping detailed notes on everything you read, including full bibliographic information in the appropriate format, will help keep a database of references.
Theses that require empirical data collection can be associated with the biggest obstacles you are likely to encounter. The first step in data collection is to compile a wish list, considering the data characteristics that are most desirable for your study, the frequency of observations, and whether you are looking for aggregate or disaggregated data. List all of the variables you think might help you formulate strategies for doing without them if you cannot obtain them.
Once obtaining your list, collecting data and entering them into your computer database is the next step. Your advisor and other faculty members can probably guide you toward relevant data sources.
After reviewing the relevant literature and the collected data, the empirical work you plan to do can become the focus and the central task of research for generating results. The way to achieve these results depends entirely on the research methodology you and your advisor chose. It may involve theoretical reasoning using economic models, combining and comparing the results of others, interpreting numerical data, estimating coefficients and testing hypotheses using econometric methods, or conducting experiments.
The general process of generating results is that some aspects of the results are likely to surprise you. Solutions of theoretical models, regression results, and experimental outcomes usually do not end up exactly as you envisioned them at the beginning. If these results arrive just a few days before the draft of your thesis is due, you are unlikely to have time to develop a satisfactory explanation for them or conduct the additional research that would resolve them. It is advised that you should plan for such circumstances ahead of weeks before the first draft of your thesis is due. This will give you at least a little time to reflect on and refine them in the completed thesis.
The last stage of preparing your thesis draft relates to formulating your conclusions and preparing the thesis draft itself. At this stage, the complete work of your thesis during the year is built into a coherent argument. By starting with your central question, you can explain the methods by describing and interpreting your results and then summing everything up with your conclusions.
Remember, the key to submitting a good economics thesis's first draft is to reread the entire thesis and make sure that the pieces fit together. The argument should flow naturally from a statement of the question to a discussion of the contribution of others to a description of your research to your formulation of an answer. Each piece should advance the argument, following the previous one and leading to the next one. If a section does not relate to the overall argument of your thesis, it should not be in the thesis.
Revisions are important markers of an excellent economics thesis. Your advisor and the first-draft reader will probably have extensive comments and suggestions for revision. Moreover, there may be flaws in empirical work or theoretical arguments that are not apparent until the entire thesis is read in proper sequence. It is equally important to read through the inputs provided by readers and your advisors. It would help if you met with each of them (separately or together) to discuss the thesis and clarify what revisions they expect.
Following these steps, you will be able to write and submit excellent standards of writing an economics thesis. Challenges are a common issue faced by several economics majors, and for these students, it is advised to use economics assignment help services. Under assignment help services, students can access a plethora of educational guidance with the help of PhD level economics experts. Visit our website now so you can avail several benefits.
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