Covid-19, lockdown, work from home, study from home, and more, are the horrible terms that sum up the last two years of our lives. Sadly, the two years none of us wants to remember. Until one night, lives across the globe were perfectly following the same old routine, and then suddenly came the changes that gave us an unforgettable experience for a lifetime. In the past two years, we have seen some challenging phases of our lives, which were more difficult than finding nursing assignment help and being willing to do nursing academic projects. Any phenomenon connected with human life is disastrous, and the one that we have faced in the recent past has left a considerable impact on our lives and not in a positive way.
Earlier, we lived in a world judged based on post-technological and pre-technological eras. But now, the tables have turned, and life is described as post-pandemic and pre-pandemic. Remember when there was a post-pandemic-free life, and doctors almost had a cure for every medical illness? However, then people met with the world’s worst pandemic, and it felt like life stopped afterwards.
It isn’t like that; every individual's life was going smoothly before the pandemic, but everyone had their struggles. The pressure of studies was too much to take, the tension of my career was a big challenge, and the constant pressure of finishing work within the timeline had affected my mental and physical peace. But now, after Covid, things have constantly gone downwards from bad to worse.
Talking about one such profession that has selflessly served the world: nursing and medical working professionals. Leaving behind their family and not caring about their own lives, the nursing professionals were dedicated to helping humankind to save the world from the disastrous pandemic.
The first case of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, appeared in Wuhan, China in 2019. Soon, as the disease had become widespread, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a pandemic and life resumed behind closed doors. In the early stages, when it was difficult to understand the cores of COVID-19, the doctors and healthcare professionals blindly went in with the only plan of saving lives by hook or crook. In all the urgency of saving lives, PPE kits, masks, and gloves were the only sheet to procure from the contagious disease.
Talking about how coronavirus has impacted the world of education, it is understandable that life behind closed doors wasn’t easy. For the safety of human life, it was essential to ensure people stayed quarantined in their homes without any physical contact with the outside world. Everything shifted from a smooth life to living in a box, from offices to educational institutions.
To keep a country running, it is essential to have a better GDP and to build a better future; it is important to educate the generation. When COVID made things pause for a little while, the only good that could have happened at that time was to start distance learning and working. As education is one of the most important things for every individual, hampering the classes would have directly impacted the student life, and that’s why the boring lectures shifted from classrooms to digital screens.
Most of the world’s population has felt the impact of coronavirus. The boring lessons that shifted from classes to digital screens shuffled the life of students and provided a new direction—talking specifically about the nursing field, on the one hand, where nursing professionals were sacrificing their lives for humans. The nursing students struggled to complete the simplest chapters of their course. Indeed, no such thing was pre-planned and COVID-19 waves hitting the world have left a remarkable impact on everyone’s lives. But one thing that happened for sure is that it has given a new perspective to students' educational journey. Moreover, online classes were necessary to keep the academic cycle running smoothly, but there were still some disadvantages that led the students to face several challenges. Some unhealthy habits in a nursing student’s life are mentioned below.
As an undergraduate student currently busy finding assignment help, you can understand that as a nursing student, you hardly have the time to invest in extracurricular activities. But knowing that to leave an impressive impact on your academic performance, all the hard work you’ve given to the extracurricular activities is countable. But due to COVID, things no longer remain the same. At first, when the worldwide pandemic and lockdown were announced, it was for three weeks. However, as the days started turning into the worst phases, the regular extended lockdown timeline kept stretching.
Indeed, the staying and studying at home experience was new. This became why students needed help understanding the possible manners of enhancing their learning apart from the educational field and giving it a try to the co-curricular activities. Therefore, it won’t be wrong and harsh to say that online learning has left an indelible mark on the educational journey.
One of the advantages of offline classes was that students visited educational institutions, where there were several activities to perform and a lot of things to do. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, all educational institutions got closed. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the normal schedule of every student got disturbed. The time that was earlier used to be divided for several things was now dedicated to studying online or watching online shows. This affected the eating, sleeping, studying, and playing schedule, resulting in this unhealthy routine leading to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Not only does the coronavirus affect physical health by forcefully making people stay behind closed doors. But the stress of finishing work within the timeline led to increasing mental pressure. Hampering the routine, students also hardly cared about getting their academic projects done and delivered within the deadline. Also, intending to leave the pending work on the assignment help service providers do the work for students.
Put a hand on your heart and say if you have studied with complete focus in this pandemic. There are only a few students who have studied willingly. Several headlines mentioned how COVID-19 has affected the student life and studying process. As your physical growth was on pause because of zero outdoor activities, your mental health also took a backseat. According to studies, it was seen that students who had an adoption rate of around 80-90% in normal classes dropped down to 50-60% due to the pandemic. Moreover, you are also an undergraduate nursing student struggling to find a 24/7 nursing assignment help service provider. You’ll agree that in COVID-19 days, you were among those who preferred to waste time rather than study with determination.
Nobody knew when this coronavirus situation was going to bother the world. So at first, there were speculations, and according to them, the classes, exams, and other things got postponed. However, once it was clear that covid was here to stay, and this is the new normal, the studies got impacted in the worst manner possible. And online exams affect the overall growth of a student’s mind and impact the career.
We all know how tough those days were when taking online classes, juggling between various course books, and staying alive at the same time were all crucial. However, on the one hand, some students struggled to get nursing assignment help. On the other hand, some students couldn’t even find a stable internet connection. The poor condition of one’s being was heart-wrenching as well. So, if we are counting the things that have impacted the student’s life, being unable to access the internet and missing out on normal terms like other students is also one of the factors in COVID impact in student’s life.
Considering the struggle nursing students faced, those in their final year of practice were asked to walk in the war zone. Helping and assisting seniors in protecting human lives. Indeed, the students get practical knowledge, but more than theoretical knowledge is needed to get through the difficult phase of life. Moreover, keeping the stress aside, there was boredom as well that has left a negative impact on students’ lives affecting all the positive aspects behind.
Indeed there are several disadvantages, such as no exams and giving marks; as per the internal reports, these are some of the negative impacts COVID life has left on students’ education. Indeed, you might not understand the value of a great lesson. Still, when you need to perform it, and you won’t have any reliable assistance because you hardly remember anything, that will be the moment you’ll realise that COVID-19 has made you lose. So, suppose you are unwilling to let go of any of the potential topics of your nursing course and don’t want to initiate your practice without appropriate knowledge. In that case, you must take your studies seriously. One of your greatest and easily accessible choices is Online Assignment Expert. The experts at work are there to provide you with live assistance 24/7 at affordable prices. Helping you clear your doubts regarding the challenging chapters you get to study in your nursing course.
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