Being a male nurse practitioner may be challenging, just like any other nursing career! Today, you'll get an open and honest assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of working as a male nurse. Our nursing assignment help in Australia has covered the positive aspects and the negative aspects. As a result, if you're considering becoming a male nurse, you could now make a more informed judgement of whether or not this is the right career path for you.
Let's get to the advantages of being a man in healthcare now!
In addition to the above information, you must also know why it's ok for men to be a nurse as male nursing students. Our assignment help Melbourne professionals discuss some top reasons to work as a male nurse.
Luke Yokota MACN shared his thoughts on the men are still to be a minority in the field of nursing with Hon. Greg Hunt MP (Federal Health Minister) and 500+ delegates in 2018 at ACN and National Nursing Forum (NNF).
He discussed his feelings, opinions, and experiences as a male nurse and the obstacles he encountered when choosing a profession in nursing. He said that we have failed as a community if any male is discouraged from choosing a profession as a nurse. He argued for a recommended level for males entering the nursing practice, similar to what we've done in other sectors for women entering men's fields to overcome preconceptions, roadblocks, and constraints. The hashtag #itsoktocare was established and welcomed by the crowd on the day after Luke gave a central point that "it's ok for males to care." This was a watershed event for the ACN Men in Nursing Working Group, which was positively greeted by The Hon Greg Hunt MP (Health Minister).
Nursing is a rewarding profession for males, with numerous healthcare field advantages. Men have cited the "desire to serve people" or "capacity to make a change" as motivators for pursuing a nursing career. Balanced employment, being inspired by a close family member working as a nurse, and a need to obtain a position with various career potentials are some of the key factors. Nursing also provides a career option for men who want to integrate science, technology, mathematics (STEM), and engineering expertise with human-centred work situations. This factor aligns with current government policies to increase the concentration on STEM topics in schools.
The nursing assignment help experts also understand that boosting the men candidates in nursing has substantial advantages. Gender diversity can help to improve the work environment and the quality of care provided to patients. Working as a male nurse is psychologically or culturally preferred for certain patients. Expanding men in nursing will broaden the employment base and satisfy the increased demand for healthcare services.
Despite the critical necessity of men in nursing, nursing has traditionally been gender-stereotyped, with women holding the majority of positions. Many of the barriers that once bunged males from becoming nurses, such as outdated titles like low salaries, and patient anxiety beliefs, does not exist any longer or have been debunked by research findings. Moreover, social perspectives are shifting, and knowledge garnered from family members and friends in the field is now influencing men considering a career in nursing.
Considering these advancements, the percentage of male nurses remains low. According to 2017 registration figures, men hold only 11.75 per cent of Australia's registered nursing field. These percentages are on par with those in comparable countries with similar male-to-female ratios: 10.2% in the U.K., 7.2 per cent in the USA, and 6% in Canada.
Promoting and encouraging males to be in the nursing profession will be a critical strategy that will help to mitigate the projected nurse shortages in the health and aged care systems. It is required to break down society's stereotypes about guys who want to be nurses and support the concept that it's ok for men to care.
With the above discussion, we conclude that working as a male nurse is a great opportunity. Whether you want to be a female or male nurse in Australia, all you need is at least a Diploma in Nursing. In Australia, several private and government institutions and universities offer nursing-related programmes. Every year, many native and overseas students are getting enrolled in nursing programmes. If you are the one who wants to pursue or are already pursuing nursing courses, then you might need assignment help. Generally, these services are available for university scholars finding trouble at any academic stage. For instance, the experts available here provide online tutoring, live sessions, expert consultation, proofreading, editing, and assignment help Melbourne.
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