We know, when you have already landed on this page searching answers for “Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare” case studies, then probably you are in some dilemma about the course, aren’t you?
Don’t worry, as Online Assignment Expert bestows world class nursing assignment help experts who would make you fit to face legally intricate and ethically stimulating clinical situations which you as a health care practitioner would confront regularly.
This blog would help you know this course a bit better and thus, practice in accordance with the legal and professional standards. For this, you must be thorough with the 6 ethical principles that we are going to discuss in this blog.
Being an undergraduate course consisting of 10 CREDIT POINTS, legal and ethical practices in Health care plays an important role in the development of students. This course introduces students with those principles, theories and legal practices which impact various health care institutions and practitioners. These principles reinforce safe and logical decision making in health care.
Following are the assessments which you have to complete successfully under 2805NRS.
While you can easily avail off our online quizzes/exams service for getting guidance on the two quizzes that you are to complete, simultaneously, you can also consult our nursing assignment help experts for the written assessment too.
To let you know how our 2805NRS legal and ethical practices in Health care assignment experts cater to the written assessment, above is a sample that our experts had written for the reference purpose of students. While doing this assignment sample, the experts made sure that the assignment is in accordance with the 6 ethical principles under nursing. For the complete solution of the above sample and many such nursing case study samples, get in touch with our experts via our Links.
Basically, there are four principles in health care which must be adhered in order to ensure optimal patient safety and care. Thus, our nursing assignment help experts make sure that the sample assignments which they write are interspersed with these basic principles which govern the decision-making process in the healthcare institutions. These principles are:
Mainly, autonomy means that a patient has a right to retain control over his body. This means that a health care practitioner can just suggest or advice, but cannot force the patient to agree. This would be a clear violation of this principle. Ultimately, it would be the patients’ call to agree on the suggestion of the medical practitioner or not. Realising this, our 2805NRS assignment help experts guide students on various techniques that would help them to be accommodative of the principle of autonomy.
This principle states that it is the responsibility of every health care provider to do all that they can so that the patient benefits in every situation. Thus, every therapeutic treatment which they recommend must be the best intervention for that patient. In order to develop the skill of being beneficent, students must inculcate and maintain a high level of knowledge in every aspect related to patient care. Hence, our nursing assignment help experts guide students with best medical practices, patient-oriented care approach and many other such concepts.
This principle is probably known to be the best in these 4 principles. This basically means, “do no harm”. Technically, this is the end goal which all health practitioner follows. This is a kind off reflection wherein, the practitioner reflects upon the consequences of the treatment provided to them. Thereon, based on the consequences, required improvements are made. Our panel of legal and ethical practices in Health care experts guide students on various clinical reflective cycles.
Justice states that a health care practitioner must include an element of fairness in all the medical decisions which they take for the patient. These decisions include equal distribution of insufficient resources, new treatments. Also, this principle states that every decision that is made for the benefit of patients must be in accordance with the legislations and laws under government bodies.
These were the basic principles, which you as a health care practitioner would have to follow. Consequently, you would be able to identify and talk about various legal and ethical principles that are applicable in the given scenarios. Moreover, you would also be able to find the tensions in the existing health care institutions and improve the condition by making sound and reasoned decisions. Our panel of nursing practice assignment help experts can make you efficient in all of these aspects.
Online Assignment Expert is an online assignment help provider which is acclaimed to have one of the most-widely used assignment services by students in Australia. Having provided expert guidance in more than 50+ disciplines and on many such topics, our panel of experts are unique and reliable. So, what are you waiting for? Come to us, and see your doubts in 2805NRS legal and ethical practices in Health care course vanish within a blink of an eye!
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