Now when this Pandemic officially known as COVID-19 is hitting the world hard, she says all we have to do is sit at home and wait for the virus to die a slow fading death. She is so charged up to be at home that she has decided to enrol herself in a few online courses while she is quarantined. “I’d get a diploma in arts” she stated as a casual joke.
For a species that is alternatively known as “Serial Connectors”, it is imperative for us to connect with other people. Isolation can be depressive and we understand it. But inspired by the Spirit of Michele, we bring to you a few tips to prevent being bogged down by the lonely quarantine phases.
Look around yourself, you’d find your frat-mates if you are quarantined at the campus or you’d find your family members if you are quarantined in your house. They are going through a similar situation as you. You can use this time to make yourself available to them and turn to them to offer help. While this would take your attention away from yourself, this would also allow you to make new bonds and connect with the people that matter to you. Instead of seeking connections outside in the world, you may seek to find it, inside your houses.
In this fast-paced life, it is very easy to exhaust yourself while chasing deadlines and goals. Meditation is something that changes your experience of time. It makes the world look a lot more calmer and fades out the hustle and bustle. Now that you have some ample time in your hand. You may find some online guided meditations and learn this for yourself. This would not only help you beat the quarantine anxiety but would also help you advance in your life when this quarantine phase ends.
Well, if you are a university student or someone seeking jobs, this might be a golden opportunity for you. Now that the campuses are shut and the Job Interviews are cancelled, it might bring you ample space and time to upgrade your skillset and arise atop your competitors. Figure out what you want to learn, develop a schedule and search for the courses online that syncs with that. The course would keep you occupied as well as help you nail your degree or that job interview when you get out of this Isolating period.
Remember how bad you used to wait for weekends and vacations just to find time to binge-watch your favourite Netflix shows. Well, now you have that time. Beat the COVID-19 stress like a boss. Make a list or take out your previous to-watch list. Start striking the names one by one, it will be fun Before you know it, you’d be the next record holder for watching the most Netflix shows in a day.
I am no advertiser of Face Time, neither have I been paid by Apple. As a matter of fact, I don’t even like FaceTime. But it is a pretty useful piece of technology that comes pre-installed in your iPhones. You can’t reach out to your loved ones physically, but Face-Time may Feel as real as the real deal in times like this. Hop on a call with your partner or on a group call with the Best friends. Time will fly with them, trust me.
With deadly Pandemics, come deadly memes. You can get on Social Media and laugh your quarantine off. It would be great fun if you even end making your own viral videos during the quarantine season. Well, this would help you connect to a broader world. Who knows what you end up finding there. If you have been planning to open your YouTube Channel. It is a great time to plan that now. Invest yourself in rigorous research. Make growth strategies for your page and curate some content.
I am glad you followed till here. Hope you found it useful. Now that you have new ideas and ways to use your time, go make wise use of the opportunity and save the world. Be the hero this world needs.
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