Each time you browse something on the internet, small packets or pieces of information get stored by your computer inside the web browser you use. These are cookies, and keep track and record the websites you visit and the activities you perform there. The business owners such as Online Assignment Expert use cookies to make the website more efficient. When you visit our page through a web browser or mobile phone, we gather valuable data to give you a better user experience.
Online Assignment Expert uses cookies for business purposes like logging you into your student portal, protecting your identity, and validating your access to OAE.
We use cookies to make us better as we track your preferences and setting choices for using our website. For example, the buttons you click, the pages you open, etc., are comprehended by cookies. They also enable us to offer you content that is personalized and also provide you with promotional offers.
The cookies we use are significant for providing you with the smooth user experience of our services. The cookies ensure your account is safe and secure from fraud and give you a 100% safe browsing experience. Not only cookies, but we utilize many other technologies like the web- beacons, session replay scripts, etc. for tracking and monitoring the visitors and their activities on our website. Through unique identifiers, we check the user's searches, their pattern, and from where they have arrived.
Different web browsers save the cookies in another location, so if you wish to delete our cookies, find the location and delete the cookies stored. As we do not force you to accept our cookies, it is entirely your choice. If you get the location of the cookies stored in your browser, click on the control or manage to set and there, you can see the complete set used for erasing or enabling the cookies.
But please note that disabling cookies may bring navigation difficulty to the website.
We keep updating our policies from time to time, so any other change made in the cookies policy will be updated on this page. We are not bonded to inform our users about it personally; if you have any queries related to the same policy, you are welcome to write us at info@myassignmentservices.com.
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