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Big Data Analytics Assignment Help Online

Big Data Analytics is a field of study to analyse data sets, uncover information (hidden patterns, market trends, unknown correlations, customer preferences), by data processing application software. Students pursuing big data analytics are required to deal with several units and assignments such as CN7022 Big Data Analytics, CN7021 Advanced Software Engineering, CN7023 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Vision, CN7024 Internet of Things, CN7025 Cyber Security, CN7026 Cloud Computing, CN7000 Research Dissertation, and EG7021 Industrial Placement.

Our big data analytics assignment help experts are well-versed in their discipline. They have described all the essential information about big data analytics that a student should know. If you are a student enrolled in this highly technical field of study, then you must read the details available on this page. It will provide you with the knowledge about the subject and types of assignments you might need to deal with.

Understand the 5 - V's of Big Data by Our Big Data Analytics Assignment Experts

Big Data now includes 5Vs are also known as its characteristics. However, let us read the 5Vs of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value) in detail.

5vs of big data analytics

Source: thriive.in

  1. Volume
  2. Nowadays, data is being produced by different sources and in various formats like structured or unstructured. Few of these data formats contain excel and word documents, reports, PDFs and media content. Volume in big data is said to be a large amount of data. To identify the size, and value of data, it plays an important role. The volume of data is used to validate whether the data is vast or not.

  3. Velocity
  4. Velocity is referred to the speed at which data is accumulated, composed and analysed. Data used to flow continuously through various channels like networks, computer systems, mobile phones, social media, and more. In this data-driven environment, the speed at which data flows can be expressed as 'unprecedented' and 'torrential'. Now, such data should be apprehended in such a way that it should be readily available when required. The speed of accumulating data has an impact directly on making accurate and timely business decisions.

  5. Variety
  6. The 3rd V of Big Data is Variety. An organisation can receive data from different sources such as in-house teams, external, or any other sources. These data are categorised as structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.

  7. Veracity or validity
  8. Veracity is also known as the validity of data. No data can be accurate and clean. We all have data that are incomplete or of good quality. Therefore, while processing big data sets of information, it becomes crucial to check data validity before processing.

  9. Value
  10. Value is the 5th V of Big Data. Just collecting information is of no use unless it is turned into something useful. In the field of Big Data, value is something that explains the importance of data and its positive impact in a business.

Big Data Tools and Techniques

In this competitive world, almost every organisation is using big data with a purpose to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Thus, choosing big data tools is the most useful option for organisations. Talking about the big data tools and techniques, various aspects hit the mind concerning it like the size of data sets, type of analysis required for data sets, expected output, and so on.

Hence, our programming assignment help experts provide open source tools concerned with big data based on development platforms, data stores, integration tools, development tools, etc.

  • Hadoop
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Storm
  • Cassandra
  • RapidMiner
  • MongoDB
  • R Programming Tool
  • Neo4j
  • Apache SAMOA
  • HPCC

Are you a student studying big data analytics courses? If you are, then you need to be proficient in the usage of these tools. The university assignments also ask their students to utilise these tools in their assignments. If you want to gain knowledge and make the best use of Big Data tools, then do avail Big Data Analytics assignment writing services offered by Online Assignment Expert.

Here's a sample for Big Data Analytics Assignment that our expert submitted recently:

itech1103 big data analytics assignment sample

Apart from this, our experts have assisted students in INFO703 - Big Data and Analytics - Lab, Lab3 on Talend Open Studio and Apache Hadoop, Big Data - Discovering Data, ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics, Lab K-means clustering algorithm, ISIT312/ISIT912 Big Data Management, COIT20253: Practical and Written Assessment, and ITECH1103 Big Data and Analytics.

Contact Online Assignment Expert For World-class Big Data Analytics Assignment Help

As you can see that the above Big Data Analytics assessment topics include the use of different tools. Therefore, if you are willing to write Big Data assignments on your own, then you should have adequate knowledge and proficiency in the above-given tools, else, hire services at Online Assignment Expert. We are trusted by the ACU University, ANU University, Bond University, CQU University, Charles Sturt University, and other Australian university students. Our experts are well-qualified and highly experienced in the field of Big Data Analytics. They have composed over 500 assignments and projects for scholars studying in Australia. Furthermore, we also provide proofreading, plagiarism-check, quality-check, editing, and discount offers to students. So, what are you waiting for? Just click on the ORDER NOW option and enjoy the best big data assignment help service by the world's top experts.

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