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University : Griffith University

Course Title : 2000CCJ

Uploaded by : Mark polee

Psychology of Crime

A trait is understood as an inherited characteristic or a feature or a quality that distinguishes the person and provides information about one’ personal nature, such as, extraversion, neuroticism, kindness, openness, honesty so on and so forth are regarded as traits of an individual (Abel, 2018).

Trait theories which are also referred to as dispositional theories aim to study the personality of humans. The primary focus of the trait theories is related to the measurement of these traits which is often understood as habitual patterns of behavior, thought and emotion.

Emergence of trait theories can be traced backed to the works of Allport who is regarded as the pioneer of trait theories and described traits in terms of cardinal, secondary and central traits (Allport, 1961). Following his work, traits came to be identified as important focus on studying the behavior, thoughts and emotions of the humans by understanding their p....

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