University : Western Sydney University

Course Title : 700209

Uploaded by : Mark polee

Screen Technology and How It Effects the Brain

Since the advances in technology, individuals’ dependence on-screen technologies have become so widespread that it has infested many facets of life, such as schooling and entertainment. There have been numerous arguments between the scholars, as there are some who say that there is a positive effect of the screen technology on cognitive ability, while many other scholars have refuted this idea. Neuroplasticity is the idea that the brain is adaptable and thus adapts to its environmental settings and experiences even after having an illness, injuries, or after becoming old (Doidge 2010). The brain can restructure itself by creating new neuronal connections throughout one's life. Neuroplasticity helps neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to brace for damage and illness and to modify their functions in reaction to different circumstances or variations in their environmental settings (Greenfield, 2020). This article would....

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