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Uploaded by : Mark polee

The Missing Measure - Part A

Interview Questions for the position of Leader/ Supervisor in the Marketing area of the organization.

  1. As a competent candidate for the profile or leader/supervisor at the organization, how eligible do you find yourself for the job?
  2. How do you determine your viability for the designation as a leader in the firm
  3. Keeping in view the poor performance as a challenge, what kind of metric would you utilize as a leader to monitor and safeguard the arrival of such challenging situations?
  4. As per your opinion, are there any sort of similarities between being a leader and a manager?
  5. What attributes or qualities make you more eligible than others in the position of a leader or supervisor in the organization?
  6. What according to you as a Marketing Leader or Supervisor, can act as the best practices to support your subordinates in the active workflows and conflicts as well?
  7. A....

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