University : La Trobe University

Course Title : MGT3SHR

Uploaded by : Mark polee

Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction to High-Performance Work System

High-Performance Work System (HPWS) have become important in a competitive environment. Organizational culture, management development, and creativity will help in creating platforms for HPWS (Mahdi, 2014). Organizational culture enables less ambiguity and helps the organization to improve business performance. This case study reflects on Google talent management, exhibits the essence of business culture and common goals and vision of the team reflecting the global audience. The reports will assess the HPWS emergence in the organization and key consideration for improvement for HPWS Model. The sub-dimensions of HPWS create an integrated process for employee well-being and influence the organization's success. Linking business strategic goals with job performance and HPWS in Google by generating effective social interactions and tactical knowledge will lead to the develop....

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