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Managing Stress at Workplace - Question 1

What is goal setting? Explain your answer in detail relating to both work and personal life.

Goal-setting refers to the process by which an individual attain his goalmouths. Moreover, it offers a direction to a person and aid with his motivation and enhancing the self-esteem and satisfaction in his performance. The goal-setting must follow SMART criteria means that goals must be specific, mentionable, achievable, reflective, and timely in terms of both personal and work life. It can be said that by setting clearly defined persona goals, one can gauge his attainments and keep sight of his progress. These goals can offer long-run direction and short-run motivation. Furthermore, goal-setting assists to keep the workers motivated and dedicated and aid the functions run more effectively at the workplace. These may include more than just saying one wants to enhance revenue, motivate workers, or attain more customers (Ogbeiwi,....

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