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University : Laureate International Universities

Course Title : PROJ6002

Uploaded by : Mark polee

Project Planning and Budgeting

The national symposium project is a non-profit annual event that is expected to draw approximately 1000 attendees. The attendees will have to pay a registration fee of $ 1250 for the three-day event held at Gold Coast city. The fee will cater for all the events in the arranged workshops. The project planning tasks will include selecting the project committee, contacting and contracting exhibitors, and choosing the program theme. The specific objectives for the national symposium span through categories. The first goal is to deliver high quality and value-added program that will be useful and shall last for future years. The second objective is to offer both quest and social programs that would reflect the host city. The final goal is to meet the financial criteria, that is overtime considered strict. The national symposium project is expected to deliver professional certifications, in-depth learning about statistical control concepts in Tag....

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