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A Study of Mansfield and Rushdie

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” -William Faulkner

The past, not unlike many other topics in the world, is subjective and can be perceived and expressed in different ways depending on the author and the reader. Not only that, but the past can also be as a different tool in different stories: for symbolism, narration etc. The past can seem infinite in some stories whereas in others the past can act as a journey towards finding oneself. In some cases, the past can also enlighten the present, and vice versa (Kingston, 1998). The past can take different forms and different formats. In this paper, we will explore a few ways in which authors have used the technique of introducing the past in a particular story and the reasons behind them doing so. We will be looking at two authors in this paper: Katherine Mansfield and Salman Rushdie, both distinct authors from the 20th Century.


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