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NSW Health Policy

Introduction to The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses

The professional practice of registered nurse (RN) is evidence-based and patient-centred with emphasis on supportive, formative, preventive, restorative, palliative and curative aspects (NMBA, 2018). It is the registered nurse’s responsibility to take relevant steps to maintain the standards of personal conduct which safeguards the patient and also work towards a better image and public confidence of the profession (The ICN Code of Ethics, 2012). The leaders and workers of the healthcare organisation are responsible for the continuous care of the community while also improving the quality and safety of the services they provide (ACHS, 2017). The Australian Council for Health Care standards advocate continuum of care to be adhered to and brought about by clinical safety. It also promotes that the healthcare providers have to abide by their institution’s guidance for patient ha....

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