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How to Write a Systematic Literature Review?

How to Write a Systematic Literature Review?
If writing a systematic review has been haunting you all these days, then worry not; as Online Assignment Expert is right here with its pool of zealous PhD experts to offer you the best Systematic Literature Review Assignment Help. Be it as simple a question as that of what is a systematic literature review or in case you are looking for systematic literature review example, this is the best place where you will get all the academic assistance.  There is no denying the fact that investigating concepts are linked with psychology and one is expected to undergo an indefinite amount of reading. Therefore, systematic literature reviews are unavoidably the most required section of offering over other peer researchers the broad spectrum of knowledge. To help you out in this blog, I have introduced you to the basics of the literature review as well as certain steps to follow for writing a systematic literature review. 

What is considered a systematic review of the literature?

A literature review is the procedure wherein one has to gather, check and examine the data from the existing literature with a specific search query in mind. To be more precise, a literature review is something that defines a specific issue, concept or theory; accumulates the already published literature on the topic; pens down the critical pointers related to that problem; and lastly, suggest the next few steps in addressing the issue.  It is also to be mentioned here that a systematic review is a highly rigorous review of existing literature that addresses a clearly formulated question. More so, a systematic review is considered to be the best source of research evidence and is decisive in the field of evidence-based medicine.  In fact, it is also to be noted here that a systematic review is different from the literature review as the former is inclusive of both published and unpublished literature, often called grey literature.

What is the purpose of a systematic review?

In case you have been speculating as to what is the purpose of writing a systematic review, then; let us tell you. The main aim of the same is to know, assess and précis the dings of all relevant individual studies over a health-related issue.  This is done in compliance with the fact that the evidence is more easily available to the investigators. Below are some of the prevalent types of systematic reviews:
  • Qualitative Systematic Review: This is such type of a systematic review in which the results of relevant studies are abridged but not joined statistically.
  • Quantitative Systematic Review: As the name itself suggests, the quantitative systematic review is such type of review that makes use of statistical methods to syndicate the results of two or more studies.
  • Meta-analysis Systematic Review: A meta-analysis systematic review helps in assimilating the evaluations of results from relevant studies that are independent but similar.

Steps to follow for writing a systematic literature review

Before we go on to tell you as to what are the best tips to keep in mind while writing a systematic literature review, let us tell you, it must have certain things conveyed. Systematic literature review writing should clearly talk about the objectives with an unambiguous and reproducible approach, firstly. Secondly, a literature review should also help in knowing all the studies that meet the eligibility criteria through a detailed search strategy. Thirdly, it must examine the cogency of the findings of the included studies. Last but not least, it must also blend the studies' findings in a systematic way.  Below are certain steps that you can follow for writing a systematic literature review:
  • Develop a research question
  • Develop a research protocol a) Talk about the objectives of your write-up b) Mention the specifics on the methods and procedure used c) Talk about the eligibility criteria for individual studies or study design, so to say. d) Mention the way data will be extracted from different individual studies; and e) Mention the analyses that will be performed
  • Define inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Conduct a literature search Herein, it is important to keep the detailed records as you search, by documenting: a) databases and mention the years when those databases were covered b) all the important dates when the searches were first to run and then updated c) all the crucial details of approaches used, which is inclusive of search terms d) the numbers of results acquired
  • Locate studies 
  • Select studies
  • Assess the quality of the study
  • Extract data
  • Analyse and present results
  • Interpret results
  • Update the review as needed

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